Lady Lucia Update

Hey, everyone!

Hope summer is off to a great start for all of you. It’s been about two months since I launched this site, and I thought I’d post something about how things are going since I have some time to put my thoughts together today. It’s definitely exciting to have full control over how things look and link, but it can also be a bit exhausting. In case anyone’s curious, I’ve been doing this all on my lonesome. That means not only editing old stories and writing new ones, but also collecting photos for each story, going back to properly link from part to part after every post, and uploading consistently every week while also juggling a full-time job, as well as a social life and a personal life.

I’m not fishing for pity or praise; a lot of the aforementioned tasks aren’t that difficult to execute, but it’s just a lot of little things that add up. So, if you’ve noticed that the majority of my posts on here are edited and slightly adjusted versions of old stories rather than new content, that’s one excuse. Starting a website for the first time ever is work! Also, my ‘summer break’ is only just now starting. My day job hasn’t let up for the past few weeks, despite how I was hoping to cut back my hours until September, but it looks like things are finally slowing down. From here on out, I should have some more time every week to write.

And, my last excuse (and shameless plug)—I’m also writing over 3000 words a week of new content on my Patreon. I already have sixteen active patrons, which is AWESOME. I never thought things would take off so quickly after getting all of this started, but I’ve had at least one new subscriber join every week for a little while now. It can’t be stated enough how much I appreciate the support. While writing is enjoyable, it can also be a grind at times. Getting those pledge notifications, even at the lowest tier, almost always sparks me to go write a little bit from the excitement. Maybe, one day down the road, I’ll be able to turn this into a low key career if I get enough momentum. Might be wishful, but you never know!

However, I also want to make sure that I’m tending to all my free content as well. I know not every reader will be able to join my Patreon, especially those here with me in the states who are dealing with enough extra monthly costs these days. So, in terms of what I’m hoping to get done over the next few weeks (but not necessarily in this order):

  1. Both contests on the ENF forum.

  2. At least one new part of “The Present.”

  3. At least one new part of “The Sister.”

  4. At least one new part of “The Faire.”

  5. And, per recent request, perhaps a continuation of “The Disguise, Arc Two” if I have the time.

Lots of new things to write, so little time! July is also a big vacation month for me, so cut me a little slack if there’s a slightly longer gap or two between posts. Last Patreon plug for now, I promise—if you’d rather not wait forever for a new story part to be updated, since I have so many in rotation at the moment, check out the two middle tiers! One gives voting power each month, and the other simply bypasses that and compels me to focus on an unfinished story. And, to clarify, that would be an addition to the furthest version of a story; not the edited versions on here of the ones that are still incomplete elsewhere. Or, if you can be patient, I’ll get to them eventually. Now that I’m a more official writer, I’m making a conscious effort to avoid too many ongoing stories at the same time.

Okay, that’s all I’ve got for now! I could stream of conscious like this forever, but I think I hit all the highlights I was aiming for. Have a great week, everyone, and a great summer as well. :)

Much love,

Lady Lucia


The Prefect, Part Eight & Nine


The Dancer, Part Five