SubscribeStar Story: The Babysitter, Part 29

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Part 29


What an amazing afternoon.

Exhausting, but amazing. I had thought that the highlight of my day was going to be stranding Alyssa at her ballet studio. Just like the car was more mine than hers at this point, I planned on something similar to work out with the house this summer. If my friends were over 24/7 and we were loud enough with our games and our music, then Alyssa would eventually resign herself to hanging out at her friends’ places most of the time.

My sister was SO stuck up. Whenever I was given an opportunity to make her life a little difficult, I would go for it. Not giving her a ride on a hot summer day, for example, or ‘accidentally’ spilling a drink on her temporarily unattended schoolwork. That was the last time she worked on the main floor, which in turn gave me more reign of the house.

It’s not that I had a problem with uptight girls. But when a girl like Alyssa tries to get involved in my own business, that’s when something needs to be done. I had been polite enough about it while our parents were dating, and tried to remain civil for a good six months after they got married. Eventually, I couldn’t deal with her constant ‘helpful’ advice about my gaming and how it was bad for my eyes, posture, and whatever else. And her tattling every time I did something that she didn’t like. So obnoxious. Sisters are supposed to have each others’ backs. I had initially been hoping for a partner in crime when we met a few years ago, but quickly figured out that she wasn’t fun like me and my friends.

If Alyssa was going to play stupid games, then she would win stupid prizes. Little by little, I started screwing with her in my own way. Sometimes to her face, sometimes behind her back, but always in a manner that would make it impossible for her to blame me without sounding whiny or paranoid. She attempted once or twice, and was brushed off. While she was definitely the more trusted daughter, that didn’t mean our parents always took her side. More often than not, we were told to sort it out with each other, which worked to my advantage when she was so petite. Her little scowl and bossy tone didn’t do much when she had to look up at me to make her point.

For the most part, we still stayed out of each other's way. Mutually assured destruction and all, in its tamest form. Although thanks to Alyssa, the damage had already been done between us, and I was happy to capitalize on what I could. The car, for example, as well as anything that inconvenienced her. Especially if it led to that annoyed look on her face that made her look more like an immature teenager than a pissed off adult.

So when Alyssa explained the mix-up with Noelle, I couldn’t help but jump at the opportunity to lead Miley’s babysitter astray. If only little Alyssa hadn’t been wearing that leotard. She normally looked so put together, but I could totally see how Noelle had mistaken her for a younger girl. The crazy part? It didn’t take much before Alyssa started acting like a moody middle school girl. At least, I could see that’s how it was coming across to Noelle. Alyssa’s reaction to my lies were priceless, and I never realized until she was being treated like the girl down the street how thin the line was between ‘stuck up’ and ‘bratty.’

I had only been intending to fuck with Alyssa for a few minutes. After all, it wouldn’t take much for Noelle to realize she had the wrong girl. That is, until Noelle started spanking her!

Holy. Shit.

It took me a moment to come to terms with what I was witnessing, and I almost felt the need to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. Alyssa was over the stern college girl’s knee! And I hadn’t been asked to leave or anything. Christmas had come early, and I was going to relish every second of it. When Alyssa ‘admitted’ that she was actually Miley, that was it for me. Somehow, someway, I was going to keep this going for a LOT longer than the short burst of embarrassment I had initially aimed for.

Noelle had mentioned Sunday evening when I had fished for information with my question about food. An innocent enough thing to ask, since new babysitters were often given a little extra to get something delivered while they got used to the house. Or just to simplify the job, as cooking meant having to watch both the stove and the kid(s) at the same time. I wasn’t sure if that meant that Miley’s parents were coming home on Sunday or Monday, although it didn’t really matter. Even if I could pull off the ‘Alyssa is Miley’ thing for the entire weekend, which was questionable enough, Noelle would need to leave without being dismissed in person.

As much as I had enjoyed Alyssa being spanked to the point of a few tears, my mind had been racing behind my smirk. I needed to keep Alyssa out of her room, for starters. Had to remove anything that would easily identify who she actually was. Everything in her bedroom, obviously. The desktop on the main floor that we all had the password to, as that would contain countless documents and forms. The boxes in the basement, as there were probably a good number of toys, grade school art projects, etc. that had her name on them. Our father’s office was a big risk, too.

Then there was Noelle. She had Miley’s parents’ contact info. If she decided to humor Alyssa and give them a call, that would immediately settle the matter. Also, how did the wonderfully dominant brunette girl get here in the first place? I knew that the real Miley was rebellious and gave no shits about authority, but was she clever as well? It would be funny if she had somehow found a way to give Noelle the wrong address without anyone realizing. Noelle being directly sent to another redhead felt a lot more logical than her just happening to get the address wrong and ending up at a house that so conveniently caused the mistake that it did. And if had been intentional on Miley’s part, to avoid the hassle of another babysitter, had the girl altered any other information?

I would need to be careful when subtly prodding Noelle for details. It was lucky enough that the unexpected presence of an older sister hadn’t raised any flags. Now I just needed to use the sibling card to make Noelle trust me while making her more and more biased towards my lying brat of a sister.

“Alright, girls. Stage Two.”

So far, everything had gone according to plan. While Alyssa was doing Miley’s homework, we were upstairs scouring and then transforming her room. My step-sister’s biggest mistake had been leaving her phone up there when answering the door, as that would have been the easiest way for her to solve things on her own. My friends were more than happy to help when I told them what was going on, and we had thoroughly succeeded in calling Alyssa the wrong name at every turn in front of Noelle, followed by our seamless teamwork that resulted in Alyssa losing all of her mature lingerie. Last but not least, I got to listen at the top of the stairs as my little sister whined and whined and whined about who she really was. Her driver’s license clearly didn’t save her thanks to how I had set her up for failure on that front, and I grinned when I heard that she was being given an early bedtime.

Returning to the basement, I informed my squad that it was time to divide and conquer.

Shannon and Dakota would tackle the storage room in the basement. From what I just overheard, it didn’t sound like Noelle would be entertaining Alyssa’s attempts at proving anything now that she had been caught ‘lying’ so many times. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to cover our bases just in case. Violet was pulling out her laptop to set up what she needed to get remote access to the desktop on the main floor. Lastly, Annika and I were heading upstairs for our jobs. My devious blonde friend was on computer duty first, to let Violet in from the other end, and I assigned myself the riskiest task–going through Noelle’s stuff while she was distracted with my dear sister. As for the office, I had locked that earlier, and was fairly confident I had all the keys in my possession for the time being.

Unfortunately, Noelle hadn’t left her cell phone downstairs. I knew it had been wishful thinking, but still. It wasn’t out on the table and it wasn’t in her purse, so I assumed she kept it with her like most people did. Her laptop, however, was fair game. I inserted one of Violet’s famous USBs that she used for simple, low stakes hacking. She was currently multitasking in the basement, and it didn’t take long for her to text me that we were good to go. Noelle’s password wouldn’t keep us out now, although Violet wouldn’t be able to get the same access as Annika was giving her. We would need the laptop itself, which meant I’d have to sneak it away later, after Noelle went to bed. Same with her phone, to edit a couple numbers on there. It would be quite the operation, but it would be worth it to keep the strict babysitter from messaging Miley’s parents. Besides, it was summer. My friends and I were used to late nights, and taking some long overdue revenge on Alyssa was absolutely worth it. The five of us were also a great team, so it probably wouldn’t take as long if we worked together as efficiently as usual.

By the time Noelle came back downstairs, Annika was long gone and everything was the way it had been before. She had no reason to doubt me, anyway. I had been nothing but an older sister who had balanced everything flawlessly so far. Inviting ‘Miley’ to hang out here and there, but also calling her out in front of Noelle when possible to prove that I was more like a second babysitter than a second sister that needed to be supervised.

It took a lot to contain my laughter when I heard that Alyssa was writing lines upstairs before bed. As if a 9 PM bedtime wasn’t enough, she was also being treated like a schoolgirl in detention. If I had known all of this was coming, maybe I would have gone the extra mile and found some catholic school uniforms for Alyssa’s closet. Oh, well.

“You don’t need anything else from me, do you?” I asked, “Annika and I were about to take a little walk.”

Or, more accurately, we were going to check another item off our list. Anything to ensure that Alyssa was kept as the teenage brat she deserved to be treated as.

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Camp Firefly Sisters, Chapter Four


The Sister, Part 36