The Present, Part 21

Read Part One

Part 21

Sadie reached into her purse to pull out whatever she was referencing, but Amy stopped her.

“Not yet,” she said, “I want it to be a surprise for her. Now, Chrissy. Be a doll and tell Sadie what you told me and Julia earlier.”

Chris wasn’t sure what Amy was fishing for. How he secretly wished to be a girl? The crass and blatantly untrue statement about how he wanted to be fucked? Maybe the girly name he had been called ever since getting ‘caught’ in Amy’s panties? There was also the fact that he hadn’t spoken yet since Sadie arrived. It was bad enough that Amy’s cute friend hadn’t recognized him or his gender at first; he was hesitant to talk like a girl, even if he was used to it at this point.

Of course, it was out of his hands. All three girls were staring at him, expecting a response now that Amy had put the spotlight on him. “Umm . . . ” he hesitated, willing the feminine voice to persist amidst the awkwardness and embarrassment of both being outside and outnumbered, “Which part?” Asking felt better than guessing. Otherwise Amy could just keep claiming that she meant something else.

Just hearing that much caused Sadie to look both confused and amused at the same time. “What is happening right now?” she giggled.

“It’s my gift to Chrissy,” Amy smirked, “I mean, I only planned on making her wear panties. But she obviously wants to be a girl. Why else would she let me do all of this to her?”

It wasn’t like that! Chris had just been stuck going along with Amy’s progressively more feminine ideas due to a combination of blackmail, sunk cost fallacy, and occasionally choosing one of two bad options offered to him. The problem was, he and his cousin were the only two present that knew how she had strung him along. For someone like Sadie who was coming in blind at the very end, it looked bad even before Amy started flaunting the fact that she was behind this.

“I think it’s a major improvement,” Julia said, “She also agreed to wear panties for a year, which is kind of fun.”

“Mm hmm,” Amy nodded, “Isn’t that right, Chrissy? Panties for a year?”

Chris couldn’t stop a blush from creeping up his face. Maybe the make-up would hide it? He wasn’t really sure how all of that worked. Either way, he felt so flustered as Sadie took all of this in. The constant pronoun shift, the ‘promise’ he had made on camera, and so on. As for Amy’s question, there was really no safe reply. Chris just gave a small nod, knowing that rejecting the teasing timeframe would only give her an excuse to add something new to the mix.

“Good girl,” she said, “Now, what were you saying about how you wanted to be fucked? Oh, and include the other part of it this time.”

Sadie looked between him and the other two girls with a smile. “Whatever you have on him, it must be really good.”

“Whatever I have on her, Sadie,” Amy corrected her, “We don’t want to confuse the sissy. Besides, look at her. Do you see anything masculine?” It was partly a tease, but also a way for a fresh set of eyes to make sure she hadn’t missed anything.

“Hmm.” The redhead gave Chris another once-over. She had already noticed the most obvious feature of the transformation on his chest; this time, she gave more attention to his lower half. “Shaved legs are a nice touch. Or did he–sorry, she–wax them?”

Amy giggled. “She shaved. Although waxing would have been fun.”

Meanwhile, Chris was quietly frustrated about how it was no longer a matter of ‘Would You Rather,’ which had already been a lot to handle initially due to how bluntly the girls phrased the options. Just when he was getting a little desensitized to the answer he had reluctantly chosen, as Amy had easily latched onto it afterwards, he was being pressured to combine the two. Out loud. In front of Sadie.

The only reason the task had been stalled thus far was due to the brief conversation between Amy and Sadie. However, that was quickly wrapping up. After sharing another couple things about what Sadie had missed, Amy turned to him and placed a hand on her hip. “Okay, Chrissy. What is it that you want? Oh, and I want you to get it right the first time, or it might be panties and bras for a year.”

He still wasn’t convinced she could enforce panties beyond the weekend. Then again, Amy had pulled off a lot in a very short amount of time. As much as he didn’t want to say it, doing what his cousin told him to was arguably the better call. He cleared his throat and repeated the words from earlier as flatly as possible as he could manage in the feminine voice. “ . . . I want to be fucked in the ass by a hard cock.” His blush deepened and he averted his gaze as he forced out the second half, “While swallowing a guy’s cum.”

Sadie was definitely not expecting that. Any of it, really, considering the voice itself was just as surprising as the words. “Oh, my GOD,” she gasped, “What did I miss?! Why did Julia get to come over first?” She didn’t actually sound jealous or bitter. There was too much shock and delight for all that.

“Because I actually check my phone regularly,” Julia chuckled, “And glad to hear you finally admitting what you want, Chrissy. You should have heard her earlier, Sadie! What was it again? Something about how she wanted a guy blowing his load into her mouth?”

“She’s been talking about hard cocks for a while now,” Amy smirked, “Honestly, it’s a little bit gross. I am your cousin, you know?”

“And her voice?” Sadie asked. She still looked like she didn’t even know where to start, though she managed to adapt to the pronoun shift.

Amy just shrugged. “Look at her; she’s a girl. It only makes sense for her to act like it, right?”

“I guess so,” Sadie said, “I just need a minute. This is a lot; you could have warned me!”

“But where’s the fun in that?” Amy teased. She lightly elbowed the girl, then turned to Chrissy. “Cousin dearest? Be a peach and fetch us some drinks. Julia, water? Sadie, lemonade?” When both girls confirmed their usual preference, Amy said, “I’ll take a lemonade, too. Oh, and ice for all of us. Thanks, girl!”

Just a few hours ago, Chris would have scoffed at such a demand, and outright refused. His younger cousin was such a brat. But now, he was more than happy to obey. Not because she had all kinds of leverage on him; he could just use a breather from the trio, and even being a little subservient was tolerable if it meant he could retreat inside.

He didn’t bother with a response, and tried his best to ignore the giggles behind him as he slipped through the front door and closed it behind him. As he made his way towards the kitchen, letting out a sigh as the voices outside got quieter with every step, Chris couldn’t help but be on edge anyway. How long were Chloe and Aunt Mary going to be running errands? On the one hand, he was praying that the garage door wouldn’t open while he was in this state. Then again, maybe their arrival would shut down all of this nonsense.

What would he do if they suddenly returned? Chloe could not see him like this; she would never let him live it down. Yet if there was a way for just Aunt Mary to see, perhaps she would finally realize that Amy isn’t the perfect little angel she pretends to be when authority figures are around.

There was no sense dwelling on it. For now, the goal was simply to keep Amy satisfied until he figured out how to get rid of all the pictures and videos she had. A tall order, since she had already informed him that she backed up the stuff from earlier. She probably did the same with the more recent leverage, and could have easily given Julia a copy for safekeeping if Chris did try to get her in trouble for all of this.

The lemonade was easy enough to find in the fridge, and it only took a minute to pour the drinks for the three girls. He had to look down for each glass, meaning he couldn’t ignore the cleavage on his chest. There was no getting used to the sight or the weight of breasts after a lifetime of not having them.

Deciding not to deal with all three glasses at once, he picked up two of them and made his way back to the front door, bracing himself for whatever Amy and the others were going to throw at him next.

Part 22


The Housekeeper, Chapter 23


The Sister, Parts 1-35