The Senior, Parts 1-15

Part One

It wasn’t my fault.

I mean, how could I possibly have known?

It all started a week before the first day of classes. Fresh out of college with an Education degree, I had already managed to land a teaching position at a small suburban high school. Not exactly my dream job, but it was a start. Decent salary, decent benefits, and rent was fairly affordable in the area. The only drawback was that I didn’t know a single person in town. All my former classmates were sticking with the bigger cities. But it was fine. I was a guy who actually kind of liked the idea of the peace and quiet that came with a borderline rural area. 

So before jumping into a busy school year with limited free time, I made a point to get out there and at least make myself a familiar face to a few of the locals. That meant coffee shops during the day, and pubs at night. While I didn’t make any fast friends right away, I could usually find someone else at the bar who was open for a game of pool or a short conversation. Taking a page out of my older brother’s book, I made a point to buy a round for myself and whoever I ended up meeting on a given night. It’s all about making a good first impression. Making friends after college is tough; taking the initiative and becoming a ‘regular’ at a few places right away is a good idea.

Anyway, I’m getting side-tracked. English Major problems. 

Meeting friends was the plan. Other guys that were into video games, sports, whatever. People I could hang out with after work, or on the weekends. Girls, however, weren’t really on my mind. I literally just moved into town, and would be starting my new job soon. Any kind of relationship was pretty low priority, as it would be a lot to balance before settling in. At least, that was the plan.

Until Jade.

An auburn haired college girl who was sipping a whiskey coke; drinking alone at the bar. I was sitting close enough to watch three separate men make a pass at her. She turned down each of their offers to buy her a drink, and even pulled the ‘lesbian’ card on the third one when he persisted. It was annoying to watch, but obviously my secondary frustration paled in comparison to what she probably went through all the time.

After the third guy finally wandered off, she scooted one seat over, towards me. Getting right to it, she said, “Hey. You’re not trying to hit on me.” And, though she was really attractive, it wasn’t a narcissistic comment about herself. She said it more like a fact, and immediately offered to buy me a drink if she could use me as a buffer against anyone else. 

I declined the drink, of course, and even offered to buy her one instead to apologize for my gender. We settled on paying for our own drinks. Solid equality, and independence, or whatever. Still, despite not wanting to be like the other guys, I couldn’t help but notice a few alluring details. Her deep brown eyes, for starters. She wasn’t afraid of eye contact, and all of her casual glances towards me during our conversation made it difficult to focus on anything else. Jade’s white top snugly hugged her chest in an unfair way, and her black skirt showed off her long, slender legs.

Also, ‘Jade’ is a damn sexy name. 

Even with a little liquid courage, however, I didn’t go for it. She was just here for a drink or two, and I didn’t want to lump myself in with all the other guys who already tried and failed to get with her. Instead, we just talked. Apparently, she was about to start her senior year, which put us a lot closer in age than everyone else in the bar. Jade was impressed that I already had a career started, as she was more the artistic type. More passion to be found there, for sure, but less job security.

Admittedly, I was a little intimidated by her directness when she first approached me, but Jade ended up really easy to talk to by the end of the night. Maybe it was the drinks, or the lack of pressure that came as being her ‘buffer’ instead of anything more, but we were actually hitting it off more than I expected. She was an awesome girl, and so much more free spirited than the friends I had in college. And yet, I was still too hesitant to make a move. 

But she wasn’t.

While I was busy trying to figure out whether or not I had a shot with her, or if she was interpreting the night as more of a friend vibe, Jade eliminated any doubt by being as direct as ever. The moment we got to her car, as I had offered to walk her since it was getting late, she practically pounced on me. Out of nowhere, her lips were crashing into mine and I was pleasantly pinned between her body and the car. 

It was amazing. The unexpected passion, the softness and expertise of her lips, whatever faint buzz of alcohol was left after sobering before leaving the bar. After making out with her for a few seconds, one of her hands running through my hair and the other gripping my side, I made a move with my own hands. Maybe just to hold her, maybe to pull her further into me; I hadn’t decided yet. I never got the chance to find out, because things ended as quickly as they began.

Jade broke the kiss and shifted forward so her lips were pressed against my ear. “Call me,” she whispered. Then, just like that, she stepped back and she slipped her fingers into my front pocket for a moment with her lips pursed in a sexy smile. 

Before I could even process the simultaneously hot yet frustrating tease, she sauntered around her car to the driver’s side and cracked the door. Not knowing what else to say in my stunned and fleetingly horny state, I just muttered, “Goodnight, Jade.” A little boring, but it’s all I could manage. 

Without saying another word, she blew me a kiss and followed it with a flirty wink.

Then she slipped in the car and drove off, leaving me speechless on the side of the road.

Part Two

For a few seconds, I just stood there. 

In retrospect, I’d tell myself I was playing it cool as Jade drove away. But in reality, I was mostly just stunned from such an unforgettable first kiss. Not to mention the flirty maneuvers that immediately followed. 

Once her car was out of sight, I reached into the pocket where Jade’s teasing fingers had just been. Sure enough, she had left a small slip of paper inside. Thank God. It’s what I assumed she had been doing while saying ‘call me’ in that sultry whisper. If I was wrong, and Jade didn’t leave her number, I don’t know what I would have done with myself. Probably return to the same bar every single night until she showed up again. 

I unfolded the scrap of notebook paper and took out my phone right away to transfer the ten digits to my Contacts. Knowing my luck, I’d somehow lose the paper on the way home. If I could manage to hold onto it until then, even after adding Jade to my phone, I definitely was going to keep it for posterity. In this day and age, it was rare for someone to give out a physical number unless it was on a business card. And, on top of that, she fucking put it into my pocket for me.

Her number looked hastily scrawled, yet pretty nonetheless. I was definitely reading too much into things, but I couldn’t help but wonder if her handwriting was indicative of her artistic style. Real, and raw, with a subtle beauty to it. Or it could just be the way she wrote, and I was still high from that fleeting moment of passion against her car. Either way, I made short work of putting her information in. Not that there was much to type. Jade; no last name. 

And that was that. I walked back to the pub and then another half block the opposite direction back to my car and headed home. The entire drive, I was thinking about the last thing she said. 

‘Call me.’ 

Not ‘text me,’ not ‘let’s meet up.’ She wanted me to call, which was about as old fashioned as giving out a written phone number. In a good way; a unique way. And I sure as hell wasn’t going to wait three days. Not only is it cliché and outplayed at this point, but the auburn haired girl seemed like the type that liked to chase new experiences. If I left her alone for a few days, she’d get bored and potentially meet someone else before I could have more of a chance with her. Now that I knew I had a shot with the amazing and wildly attractive girl, I definitely wanted to take it.

But I still had to be a little patient. 

I wasn’t going to be the desperate guy that reached out too soon. Despite how well we clicked at the bar, I still found myself playing the usual ‘game’ of not wanting to seem too eager while also not appearing too aloof. So I waited until the next morning, around 10 AM. Jade never mentioned a summer job, and there was a decent chance she’d be awake by then. 

For all the tossing and turning over the previous night, I still had no plan. Coffee? Or another round of drinks? My schedule was wide open until the first day of classes. 

Jade picked up the phone after two rings, confident as ever. “Oh, hey. Took you long enough.”

“How did you know it was me?” I asked, “Or have you been answering that way all morning, just in case?”

“Fuck off,” she scoffed, “Hey, I’m grabbing coffee right now. Text me your address? And your coffee order. My treat.” 

“Umm-” I hesitated. Shit, she was inviting herself over? Of all the ways I expected the call to go, this definitely wasn’t one of them. I hadn’t showered yet, and my place was still a bit of a mess from the move. 

But that was my problem, not hers. “Umm, how about, ‘Thank you, Jade! You’re the best,’” she said. “Be quick with the coffee order; I’m getting in line. See you soon, kay?” Without waiting for a reply, she ended the call.

My instinct was to jump into action and start tidying the place. While there wasn’t much to do about the boxes, I could at least make the kitchen and the bedroom look more presentable. But I made myself sit still for a minute so I could text her first. For my order, I typed ‘Iced coffee. Surprise me?’ I’m not that picky about my coffee, and I figured letting her have some fun with it would be better than answering any follow-up questions about specifics. A second later, I added, ‘Thanks, Jade. You’re the best.’ Then I gave her my address, and got started on the small pile of dishes in the sink.

I had no idea how close my house was to whatever coffee shop Jade was at. After a quick clean of the kitchen, I went to the bathroom to splash some water on my face, slapped on some fresh deodorant, and grabbed a little mouthwash in case the toothpaste from earlier wasn’t enough. I threw on a pair of jeans and a black v-neck, then spent a minute clearing the clutter in the bedroom. She didn’t seem like the type who cared about a spotless house, but I could at least make the place look presentable.

Perfect timing, too. Not two minutes after I finished walking around the place and stashing away anything that looked too messy or out of place, the doorbell rang. 

Dropping whatever I was doing by the end of my last minute tidying, I made my way to the front door and opened it right away for her. 

Jade was standing on the front porch with a coffee in each hand, lips pursed in a small smile.

“Morning,” she said.

Part Three

Black jean shorts, and a maroon tank top.

Jade looked good in the dark colors. An artistic girl with a hot, alternative look. I assumed the ensemble accentuated her curves as impressively as the previous night’s outfit did, but I made a point not to check her out. Not yet, at least. I could steal a once-over in a minute.

“Hey,” I said. “Want to come in?” Stepping aside and gesturing for her, I hoped it wasn’t too presumptuous. Even though the auburn haired girl literally invited herself over, I could see her suggesting we take a walk or something instead. She was difficult to read. 

Thankfully, I was in the clear. “Of course,” she said. Taking a single step through the front door, she paused right next to me and glanced sideways to meet my eyes. “Shoes off? On? Don’t care?” 

With a look like that, I didn’t give a shit. The only thing stopping me from going for a kiss right then and there was the fact that her hands were occupied with our drinks, and spilling coffee could kill just about any mood. “Whatever,” I replied, “I’m renting the place.” Plus I was never a stickler about leaving shoes by the door.

“Renting?” she asked, “What about your fancy teaching degree? You’re saying you don’t make bank by teaching english?”

“That’s cute.” Scoffing at the obvious sarcasm in her voice, I closed the door behind her. “I bet you’d make more in a single commission than I’d make in a month.”

Jade didn’t need to be shown around apparently, as she was already heading into the other room with her short heels still on. The jean shorts showed off her legs just as well as the other night’s skirt, with the added bonus of hugging her ass more tightly. I couldn't help but check her out as she sauntered forward for her self tour of the place. “Good,” she said. Halfway into the living room, she swiveled to face me and half sat back on the arm of the sofa, “Rich guys are boring. Oh, I think I have something for you.” With that same idle smile, she held up one of the coffee cups. “But you have to come get it.”

No mystery about that one. Following her the rest of the way into the room and closing the distance, I stopped about a foot away from her. Obviously she was flirting, but her hands were also still full. As sexy as Jade was, and as badly as I wanted her less than a minute after her arrival, I’d let her take the lead for now. And she did. Standing back up and meeting my eyes she said, “You don’t mind if I hang around for a while, do you? I like your place a lot more than mine.”

“You’ve barely seen my place,” I said. Admittedly, I wasn’t the best at flirting, but I could at least tease back. “But sure, you can stay as long as you like.”

“In that case, I’ll need to get comfortable.” She took a single step forward. Her hazel eyes were as deep as ever as she gazed up at me with a casual, confident smile. There was still a small gap between us, though it wouldn’t take much for our bodies to nudge against each others’ here and there. “Since I’m stuck with the drinks . . .” Jade trailed off for a moment, before breaking the temporary suspense, “Would you mind taking my shorts off for me?”

Fuck. She was so forward and so teasing, all at the same time. And definitely not joking, either. “Just your shorts?” I asked, wondering if this was heading where I hoped it would.

“For now,” she shrugged, “Besides, you owe me a favor for the drink. So help a girl out, yeah?”

I didn’t need to be told twice. Placing my hands on her hips without breaking eye contact, I trailed my fingers along her waist until they both met at her shorts’ button. Undoing it without a word, I felt an inadvertent twitch between my own legs when she bit her lip in response to the jean shorts loosening around her hips. Encouraged by both her sultry expression and my own desire to help her get ‘comfortable’ and see how she looked bottomless, I gripped the zipper a second later and began slowly lowering it. While I wanted to get right to the stripping, I figured she might appreciate a more patient maneuver. 

Even with a conscious effort to take my time, it doesn’t take that long to undo a zipper. A few seconds later, the only thing keeping the black denim in place was the way they sat around her waist. Jade was slender, but she wasn’t a twig. Her hourglass figure was all kinds of attractive, and I was excited to see those curves without clothes in the way. 

“Just the shorts?” I repeated. As in, ‘Am I stripping you, or am I going down on you?’ The latter would be best, of course, but she was the one running the show here. 

She nodded. “Mm hmm.”

Well, okay. I guess that’s fair, as I probably wouldn’t enjoy something like that as much if my hands were full. Then again, if a girl like Jade offered to reciprocate, I could deal with a good number of inconveniences and still be perfectly content with the situation. I told myself to look on the bright side. An amazing, crazy attractive girl offered to come over with no prompting, and then immediately found an excuse to undress. With all that in mind, could I really complain about her pace? 

“Alright. Hold still, Jade.” It felt good saying her name, and it was going to feel even better to run my hands down her legs. 

Tracing a few inches down her thighs, I slipped my fingers into the leg holes of her dark shorts. Starting with a small tug, I began stripping her just as slowly as I had lowered the zipper.

Part Four

Jade was wearing a black thong.

That much was obvious from the second I pulled the shorts past her hips. After the small strip of fabric that made up the waistband of her underwear, it was nothing but bare thighs the rest of the way down. 

Since the girl seemed to have a knack for teasing, I decided to return the favor. Instead of stripping her bottom layer like I might normally do in the bedroom, I took my sweet time. To prevent gravity from letting the dark jean shorts fall once they made it past the curve of her hips and the slight resistance of her slender thighs, I kept my hands pressed against her outer legs the entire time. Not only did it allow for the tease, but I also got to enjoy brushing against her smooth skin all the way down. 

Bending at the knees, I slowly lowered myself once my arms couldn’t reach any farther from my initial position. Keeping eye contact the entire time, staring up into her deep brown eyes, I kept silently asking the question as she gazed back down at me. Should I stay down, and give her the oral pleasure that I’d be more than happy to give? Or was she really just ‘getting comfortable’ for now, while flaunting her body at the same time?

Only one way to find out. 

When her shorts were down to her ankles, I gave a small tap to her calf. “Lift,” I quietly said. Not quite a command, but showing her that I didn’t mind taking charge. 

She nodded, opting to stay silent, and slipped her foot through the leg hole. Though I was still making the effort to keep my gaze trained on her face, to prove that I wasn’t one of those guys that needed to ogle a girl the second clothes were removed, it was difficult to resist the urge to get a better look at the way her lower body shifted from such a small movement. After setting her now fully bare leg back on the ground, she waited to repeat the motion with her other leg until I gave her another gentle tap. 

Straightening myself, though still on my knees for the moment, I placed both of my hands on her hips. My fingertips brushed the waistband of her thong, ready to pull it down in a similar manner. Ready to see the mystery waiting underneath, and to show Jade that I’m more than happy to satisfy her before trying to get myself off. 

With her lips still pursed in the same idle yet sexy smile, she simply said, “My coffee is going to get cold.”

Tease. I was half tempted to just yank her underwear down and go for it, but I had enough self control to hold off. Instead, I rose to my feet. Keeping one hand on her hip, just in case, I used the other to reach forward and brush her hair back. “Kiss me,” I said.

She owed me that much. If I couldn’t explore her body after she led me to a position where it would have been so natural to do so, then I at least wanted another chance to experience the kind of passion we shared before.

“Happily,” she replied. Taking a moment to contort her body and setting both our drinks down on the nearby coffee table, effectively undoing her excuse of needing ‘help’ a minute ago, she placed a hand on my chest. It was a gentle contrast to the way she lunged at me and pinned me against her car last night, and she used the momentary suspense to pleasantly surprise me when she ended up grabbing my shirt and yanking me forward.

Jade fiercely locked her lips with mine, and I met her sudden kiss with an intensity of my own without hesitating in the slightest. Pulling her in by the hip, I sunk my lips into hers and reflexively gripped her hair with the hand that was still interlaced with her dark locks. Right away, she lightly hummed in response. I was pretty sure it was a soft moan, but it was difficult to tell for sure. Pulling back just enough to mutter “Okay?” against her lips, I slightly loosened my fingers in her hair.

A moment later, I felt her other hand snake under my shirt and around to my lower back. “Don’t you dare fucking stop,” she growled. If that wasn’t enough of an answer, she pushed her body forward and went for another deep kiss, finishing it off by sharply biting my lower lip.

Rough. Got it. 

Wincing slightly at the unexpected nip, I managed to keep myself from making a sound from the briefly painful sensation. While biting wasn’t something I was usually into, obviously I wanted to impress this amazing girl. Not wasting another second, I firmly gripped her hair and kissed her. 

We locked lips again and again, and Jade let go of my shirt pretty quickly so she could press her chest against mine. I kept giving her the kind of pleasurable pain that drew a number of alluring sounds from her along the way, and used my other hand to continually fiddle with her thong in an attempt to take this further whenever she was ready. At the same time, her hands felt amazing as they roamed my body, as did the way her breasts pushed up against me.

Our lips danced until we were both a little bit out of breath. Lightly panting, Jade shifted away from my lips and leaned forward until she could whisper right in my ear. Her ragged breathing was sexy enough, especially when I could hear every detail from the way she had herself positioned, and so was the next thing out of her mouth. 

Fuck,” she murmured. Sighing against my ear, she asked, “What else can that mouth of yours do?”

Part Five

That was an invitation if I ever heard one.

I was tempted to drop to my knees right then and there so I could yank Jade’s thong down and pleasure her in the middle of the living room, but I could do better than that. 

Instead, I would work my way down. Positioned close to her ear thanks to how she leaned forward to whisper in mine, I gave her a small nibble as I caught my own breath from the passionate make-out session. Encouraged by the shaky exhale I could clearly hear as she kept her own lips pressed against my ear, as well as the way her chest rose and fell against mine, I gave another teasing nip with my teeth before shifting so I could kiss down towards my next target. 

Inch by inch, I worked my way down to her neck. It was as warm and inviting as the rest of her; soft, and smooth, and made even better by the way Jade slightly tilted her head to offer me more room. Brushing my lips against her skin, I aimed to contrast the roughness from before. To show her I could be as versatile as she was, and to borrow her tactic of starting off gently before plunging in for something deeper. I started with a delicate kiss, pausing to exhale over her neck before planting my lips more firmly against her. 

Knowing that I’d be heading farther down in the near future, I also let my hand begin its journey from her hair down to her waist. Ultimately, the plan was to mirror my other hand on her hip; both to hold her and to poise myself to strip her lower half when it was time. However, I took my time, focusing more on her smooth neck than anything else. Kissing her more assertively, I used just a hint of teeth the third time around. She seemed to like things rough, though I’d still try to refrain from giving her a hickey. 

At this point, both her hands were under my shirt, grasping my sides as she tensed up with a sharp inhale. I had already learned my lesson about letting up; after her sexy growl earlier, I was going to stick with the assumption that such reactions were pleasurable until I was told otherwise. Sinking my teeth a little more deeply into her neck, testing just how rough Jade might like things, I was pleased to feel her head tilt back with a shaky sigh. Brushing my lips against the spot as a final tease, as well as to take a selfish moment to appreciate the contour of her neck, I shifted at my knees in preparation to kiss my way a little farther down.

Her tank top gave me plenty of room to explore without going right for her chest, but this wasn’t going to work with us just standing there. Would it be too bold to pick her up and take her to the counter a few feet away? That would be more interesting than the nearby sofa, but I wouldn’t complain either way. 

My hesitation must have clued her in, because Jade took the opportunity to step back and pull my hands away. For a second, I was worried that she was going to temporarily end things and bring attention back to the coffee date that this was supposed to be. That is, until I saw her smirk. “Allow me,” she said. Crossing one arm over the other, she took the hem of the maroon top and began slowly peeling it up and off of herself. 

With her hourglass figure, it wasn’t much of a surprise to see how flat her stomach was as her bare midriff came into view. Next came her bra-clad breasts, supported in a black lace bra that matched her thong. As Jade lifted the tank top over her head, I took a long second to appreciate her cleavage before shifting my eyes upwards just in time. She fully removed the top, drawing attention to her auburn hair as it messily settled back in place both on her chest and behind her shoulders. 

Casually tossing the top aside to land wherever it would, Jade placed one hand on her hip while using the other to fix her hair. “Well?” she said, “Like what you see?” 

As if she needed an answer. Jade was fucking hot, and obviously I was into her. “Fucking stunning,” I replied. Considering my major and career, I could do better than ‘hot.’ Hoping to get right back to it, to kiss my way to the areas that were still being teased by a bit of fabric, I stepped forward to close the distance again. Now that this bombshell of a girl was standing before me in my living room, half naked, all bets were off. I was going to pick her up, enjoy the feeling of her legs wrapped around me, and go down on her right on the kitchen counter. 

That was my plan, at least. Jade had something else in mind. 

Placing her hand on my chest for a different reason this time around, she stopped me just short enough that I couldn’t initiate anything. In another familiar move, she reached into my front pocket with her other hand. Instead of leaving something for me, like last time, I felt her deft fingers slide my phone out. Before I could ask, she accessed the camera from the lock screen and un-silenced the phone itself with a flick of her thumb. Jade held her arm up and took a selfie of her half naked body with an audible click, then tossed my device onto the sofa.

“Something to remember me by,” she said. 

Fuck. This girl was something else. 

“Says the unforgettable girl,” I replied. Hopefully it came across as more flattering than cheesy. 

“Mm hmm. So, you still haven’t given me the tour. How about we start with . . .” she trailed off. Biting her lip and flitting her deep hazel eyes up to meet mine, Jade decided, “the bedroom?”

Part Six

Rather than getting me to lead the way, or taking my hand so I could walk her to the bedroom myself, Jade had me give her verbal directions. It took me until we reached the stairs for me to connect the dots. Since she was ahead of me, I got to fully appreciate her thong-clad ass as she took each step. And, since she was higher than I was as we made our way to the second floor, I got a nearly eye-level view.

With the directions I gave her while blatantly checking out her tight backside, Jade turned and sauntered through the second door on the right to my bedroom. Just before she disappeared around the corner, she glanced my way with a flirty smirk. 

I only lost sight of her auburn hair for a second or two, as I was eager to follow, but that was apparently all she needed to undo her bra. When I stepped into the room, I was greeted by Jade standing a few feet away. She was holding her loose bra cups to her chest and her lips were pursed in a small smile. “By the way,” she said, “I think foreplay is stupid. Do you want to skip all that and fuck me instead?”

No complaints here. I mean, I also wouldn’t mind feeling her up and roaming her body with my lips, but this worked, too. As usual, her directness was hot, and it was always nice when a girl took guessing out of the equation. While I had been ready to go down on her just a few minutes ago, I was more than fine jumping right in if that’s what she wanted. 

“Let’s do it,” I said. Not the sexiest reply, but I had never encountered a girl like Jade before. What were you supposed to say when a girl handed you sex on a silver platter? 

“Good,” she nodded, “Need some motivation?”

With that, she slowly lowered her bra. Inch by inch, her curves and cleavage came more into view as the lace black gave way for more and more bare skin. Jade stopped her hands just as the top of the bra cups were about to reveal her nipples, holding me in suspense for a few long seconds with that sultry, confident smirk back on her face. Then, after another second or two of teasing, she let go completely and let the undergarment fall to her feet. 

Perfect. I shouldn’t have been surprised. Her bare chest was my ideal size; enough curves to get a good handful without being too big at the same time. Her breasts were perky in a way that kept her hourglass figure without the support of the bra itself, and her nipples were also that solid middle ground in terms of size. Maybe sex could wait a minute or two. I would have loved nothing more than to see if Jade felt as amazing as she looked, and her nearly naked form certainly was motivating me in the way she had alluded to. 

After a few long seconds of letting me stare, she said. “Well? Want to fuck me, or not?” Turning away, she took a few steps over to the bed and bent herself over as slowly as she had removed her bra. Balancing on one hand, she raised one leg after the other to climb on, but didn’t go very far. She only moved forward far enough so her knees could rest on the edge of the bed, then glanced over her shoulder to look at me while biting her lip after settling her other hand for the doggy style position. “How’s this?”

Pretty fucking great. From where I was standing, I could see her unfettered boobs dangling over my sheets, as well as her ass sticking out for me to stare at once again. And, more importantly, her body was mine to take as she shamelessly—in a good way—offered it to me. 

Well, I had never taken my clothes off so quickly. 

Compared to the nearly naked goddess waiting for me on my own bed, I was still fully clothed thanks to the way Jade had gradually stripped herself without a lot of room for me to reciprocate amidst her teasing and flirting. Now, however, I didn’t waste any time. My shirt was easy to peel off. The jeans were a bit more of a pain with the button and zipper, especially in my clumsy haste to get with the auburn haired girl waiting for me. Once those were undone, it didn’t take long to wrestle them off of me and slip my feet out from the denim. I had pulled down my underwear with the jeans for the sake of efficiency. Haphazardly tossing both garments to the side, I stepped forward and placed my hands on Jade’s hips.

She balanced on one hand for a moment, pushing all of her hair to one side, then glanced at me over her opposite shoulder as she got settled again. “I’m all yours,” she said. The sultry tone told me everything I needed to know about the meaning behind the simple words. It wasn’t meant to be romantic. Instead, it reminded me of the roughness she pushed for downstairs. She wanted me to take her, and I very much wanted what she wanted. 

Showing her that I could tease as well, I pulled her back into me by her hips and slowly grinded against her so she could feel my form and a physical representation of my ‘motivation,’ as she put it. She immediately played into my movements, rolling her hips to encourage me. It was enough to bring on a wave of pleasure that I hadn’t expected, and I had to focus for a moment to calm myself. Just because she was letting us skip ahead to this part didn’t mean that it had to be a quickie. 

Assertively gripping her hips, non-verbally telling her to be still, I began removing Jade’s thong.

Part Seven

Her boobs had been an amazing reveal. 

It wasn’t quite the same when it came to stripping off the last bit of clothing still on her body. I could already basically see her bare ass with the thong in place, but I still took my sweet time lowering it down her thighs. Jade was being all kinds of sexy and throwing herself at me in all the right ways; the least I could do was make it a memorable experience for her. Teasing the last step of the stripping process the same way she casually yet directly teased me downstairs, I finally let the black lace sit at the base of her thighs. Short of making her get back up, there wasn’t a way to get the underwear all the way off, but this position worked where it would be fine staying halfway down her legs. 

Taking a calculated risk, considering she had already made it pretty clear that she liked things rough, I cupped one of her bare cheeks for a moment before giving it a firm slap. 

Gasping and shifting her body forward in response to the spank that echoed in the otherwise quiet bedroom, she gently rocked herself back into my hand and glanced over her shoulder while biting her lower lip. The expression alone made me want to fuck her right then, but I could be patient for a little while longer. 

“That’s it?” she murmured.

Okay, Jade. Resetting my hand without a word, I let my actions do the talking. Striking her more assertively the second time, I watched with satisfaction as her tight ass gave a small jiggle in response to the blow. 

Apparently even that wasn’t enough. “Come on. You’re not going to fucking break me. Harder!”

I almost asked ‘You sure?’ but managed to stop myself. It’s not like I was the one pushing for an aggressive spanking; she was asking for it, and was letting me know that she could handle it. Winding up, I cracked my hand down on the same cheek. Admittedly, it still wasn’t as forceful as I was capable of. Her skin was soft and smooth, which caused some subconscious restraint on my end. 

Moaning from the slap this time around, Jade immediately demanded, “Again!”

The sound of pleasure was alluring enough to alleviate whatever bits of hesitation remained. Spanking the opposite cheek just as hard, I used my other hand to slip between her legs and trace her womanhood with my fingertips. The slight dampness of her outer lips was enough to tell me that she wasn’t just putting on a show for me; she was definitely into this.

Fuck,” she sighed in what I was pretty sure was a soft moan. Lowering her backside a bit, she seemed to be aiming for a little more pressure from my fingers.

Not so fast, girl. Encouraged by her reactions, I decided to have more of a ‘take charge’ attitude. If she was into roughness, I had to imagine she’d like that as well. “No.” Shifting my hand so it was still only brushing her most private area despite her efforts to get more than that, I planted my other hand on her ass and gave her a sharp squeeze. “Hold still.”

She did as she was told with her body, but disobeyed with her head. Gazing at me again with one of those backward glances, she gave me a bratty pout. Fuck me. Once again, it was almost enough to make me stop the foreplay right then and there in the name of fucking her brains out instead. Until that is, she leaned into the game I had just started. “Am I allowed to talk?”

Making a snap decision, I said, “No. And close your eyes, Jade.”

“Yes, Master. Or Daddy? Gorgeous?”

I cringed a bit at ‘Daddy.’ Not my favorite, personally; the former was also jarring, as I had never really done any petplay. “‘Gorgeous’ is fine,” I said. That was easier than thinking of something creative when I was thoroughly distracted by the not, naked girl on my bed. 

“Yes, Gorgeous,” Jade said. Her little pout shifted into more of a smirk to go along with the sultry tone. Then, playing along and being obedient, she let her eyes flutter closed and shifted her head forward until her body was settled into its original doggy style position. 

Taking a moment to figure out how to proceed, I removed my hand from her cheek and simply took a few long seconds to explore between her legs a second time. Once again, nothing more than light traces in the name of playing with this impromptu dynamic we had set up together. Going the opposite direction this time, I reached my arm forward so I could delicately glide my fingertips all the way up her damp slit. Taking a moment to rub her clit from the outside, which earned me a soft hum, I could also feel that she was totally smooth below the waist. 

Going back the opposite direction with my fingers, giving slightly more pressure this time around, I smiled to myself when she once again tried to subtly grind against my touch. I didn’t mind that she wasn’t being fully obedient; it wouldn’t be as good if she simply remained frozen the whole time. Letting her get away with it this time, I pushed in just enough to part her outer lips. Instead of actually slipping inside, however, I finally used my other hand again.

My palm cracked down on her ass with a satisfying *SMACK*, and I finally chastised her for not following instructions. “Jade! Hold. Still.” 

“Mmm!” She half whined/half moaned in a loud hum. Then she nodded her head in quiet acceptance. 

I was just realizing that every single one of the auburn haired girl’s noises were through her closed lips. As in, she was putting her own spin on my ‘no talking’ directive. And, of course, the muffled moans just made me want the real ones all the more. 

Fuck, this girl was hot.

Part Eight

Little by little, I teased my fingers inside Jade. 

Playing with her expectations the entire time with my approach, wanting to go above and beyond to show her that I could give her a pleasurable amount of build-up before we actually jumped into the main event, I brushed my fingertips against her clit for real. She shivered and hummed in response, and I was quick to give her ass a sharp pinch. A reminder to ‘behave,’ while I had her on all fours like this, as she seemed turned on by the dynamic we had going. 

She squeaked from that, but even that was somehow more sensual than girly. Still through closed lips; pretty soon, I was going to have to figure out a creative way to revoke the directive about not talking. After all, I did want to hear her actual bedroom sounds as we progressed. 

Beginning to finger Jade for real, I started off with a slow and intentional pace as I explored her from the slightly more tricky angle. I was more used to touching a girl like this from the other side, but wasn’t totally inexperienced doing it this way. Of course, it didn’t take me long to realize that the ‘no talking’ thing served as a minor disadvantage. Jade came across as a pretty direct girl, and she probably wouldn’t be shy about telling me when I found a spot and/or rhythm that she liked. 

But maybe I didn’t need that crutch. She had proven pretty communicative so far, and always in a sexy way rather than bossy or whatever. And this was no exception. As I tested out this and that with my fingers, at some point Jade softly moaned and swayed her body to the side. Got it. Repeating my most recent motion, she confirmed that it’s something that worked for her with another breathy hum. Staying there for a little while, knowing that maintaining a sweet spot and whatever speed actually caused a reaction was more successful than assuming that faster was better or whatever, I kept it up until I drew out a few more small moans from her. 

Suddenly thinking of a good way to get Jade’s voice back beyond the sultry hums, I said, “Tell me what you like.” Simple enough. Asking for it after proving I could find some of those spots myself, while keeping the casually dominant tone I had been taking ever since she had shifted the roughness she appreciated into something more.

“Yes, gorgeous,” Jade sighed out. It was just as breathy as some of her recent moans. She offered up a couple of weak spots, but I could tell she was being coy about them. I wasn’t going to get all the codes required to crack her. That would be too easy. And, while I could probably spank her a little more and demand for specifics, I decided that figuring her out beyond the hints and vague directions would be more interesting. “Am I allowed to speak now?” she asked, “And allowed to . . . ” Pausing to quietly moan through opened lips this time, she concluded, “do that?

Was saying ‘no’ even an option? Her feminine sounds of pleasure were as tempting as ever. However, I managed to keep my cool and play back against her games. Giving her backside a sharp pinch, I said, “No faking it.”

She let out a quiet yelp from that, then nodded. “No faking,” she murmured. 

“Good girl,” I replied. Had I ever said that to a girl? The delivery felt casual enough in the moment, but I was fairly certain it was the first time I had uttered such a line. My previous relationships and flings, while not vanilla by any means, were a bit more equal in terms of how things tended to go in the bedroom. Not this time. Although it honestly wasn’t daunting. So far, everything with the auburn haired girl felt natural. More than natural. It felt fucking good.

All throughout the brief conversation, I made sure to keep my fingers idly moving between her thighs. After the exchange, however, I was back to actively working to pleasure her. Pushing my fingers slightly deeper inside of her, I shifted to one of the spots she had mentioned. A quiet gasp and a twitch of her body was enough to let me know I was in the right place, but it obviously wouldn’t be that easy. I tried a few gestures and rhythms once I was there, paying attention all the while to her reactions. 

“Fuck!” she cried out, partially an exclamation and partially a moan. The way her body jerked back into me would have been enough, but Jade couldn’t seem to help herself as I found a maneuver that sparked something more than the smaller waves of pleasure from before. “That. Keep doing that.”

Happily. I continued the gesture with my fingers inside her, finding it increasingly difficult to not jump into the next part as she began gently rocking against my hand and moaning more audibly than before. Especially when her bare backside abruptly shifted towards me and brushed up against my manhood than had been hard for quite some time at this point. ’Not yet,’ I coached myself. Because I was sure she had felt it herself, and maybe even intentionally rubbed against me in such a way. I still wanted to see if I could make Jade beg for me, instead of being desperate for her myself like I was low key feeling at the moment. 

I could hold out a little bit longer. If she was moaning from my touch, hopefully that would drive her to want more. Sooner rather than later, ideally. But I knew better than to switch things up. What I was doing was working for her. 

However, that didn’t mean I couldn’t try to heighten things by edging her in a playfully mean way. If she liked doggy style and spankings, then surely she would enjoy something like that. Waiting until her next voiced exhale began, I abruptly stopped doing anything with my fingers or the other hand that had been assertively cupping the side of her ass. Sure enough, she tapered off mid-moan with a whine that somehow morphed into a sexy growl halfway through. “Don’t you dare fucking stop,” she snapped, whipping her head to shoot me a look.

I just gave her a smirk in response, letting her know the move was intentional. Then I started things up again with my fingers. 

Jade huffed. “Fuck you.” She met my eyes to deliver those words, before shifting her head forwards again with just the slightest trace of a smile before I lost sight of her expression. 

Good. She was enjoying this, then. Even the risky tease. Although I wasn’t planning on repeating it, at least not this time around. There’s a time and place for excessive edging, and that time wasn’t going to be my first time with Jade. Not when she had literally strutted into my house and requested that I strip her within the first five minutes of arriving. We still had plenty of room for foreplay amidst her alluring advances, of course, but only so much now that we were both naked and hot for each other. 

Not much longer, now. As I drew out another moan from her, I decided to go for it. If she was ready, that is. “Beg for me, Jade,” I said, “What do you want?”

Part Nine

Jade was quick to answer, “Y-you!” after a shaky inhale. “Fuck me. Please, f-fuck me!” That’s about all she could manage while my fingers were still working inside her. Trailing off due to another breathy moan, she managed to obey my impulsive directive for her to beg. “Please . . . ”

I could have drawn things out more. Edged her again, albeit less abruptly than before. This was our first time, however, and I only knew so much about what she liked. Better to show her that I could pleasure her now, then maybe test the waters on other things later. And, admittedly, I also wanted to get off. Though I wasn’t going to rush things for Jade, I did want to get to the next part in the near future.

Knowing better than to go harder or faster when a girl was already into what I was doing, I simply kept up the pace against the sweet spot she had both verbally and physically reacted to. It didn’t take long before her breath hitched and her whole body tensed for a moment. I didn’t stop with her, which was definitely the right call. Seconds later, she was moaning louder than before and thrusting towards my hand in the hopes of getting more.

Resisting the urge to grind against her when her bare backside once again briefly rubbed against my crotch, I made myself focus on giving Jade the best orgasm possible. A single moan wasn’t enough. Doing my best to listen to her body and her wildly hot sounds, I kept my rhythm up until she initiated the slow-down. Letting her ride the wave of pleasure all the way to its conclusion, I gradually decreased my speed with her until her body was still and her breathing had mostly gone back to normal.

“Wow,” she exhaled.

Who knew a single word could stroke my ego so effectively? After all, getting a girl off wasn’t nearly as simple compared to my own gender. Though I considered myself competent, I was by no means an expert. And yet, I was fairly confident that I had just rocked Jade’s world. I had told her not to fake it, and her personality made it seem like she wasn’t the type to do that anyway. She was direct in general, and hadn’t been shy about turning down several guys at the bar; something told me she’d call me out if I wasn’t fingering her effectively.

Slipping my fingers out and giving her ass a squeeze with my other hand, I said, “Stay right there?” While I did enjoy the dominant position she had set me up for, I also didn’t want to outright assume she was good with me taking her from behind without any warning. She had also been on all fours for a bit. My mattress was comfortable enough, but still. The uptick at the end of my half request/half question gave her a chance to decide what she was up for. Honestly, I wasn’t picky; I would be content fucking her in just about any position.

“I have a better idea. You stay right there,” she replied. Slowly and gracefully shifting her weight, Jade settled sideways onto the bed and then turned herself over. With her legs splayed, she raised her arms above her shoulders and rested them on the mattress. Arching her body into a big stretch, closing her eyes and humming in a content, moan-like way, she bared everything to me for a few long seconds.

I looked her up and down without any hesitation. Her chest was as perfect as ever, and her sex was still glistening from my touch. If she hadn’t told me to stay where I was, I probably would have already been on top of her. Who cares if Missionary was seen as vanilla by some? Jade was fucking hot, and I would have no problem going for something like that. Especially when she was naked on my bed and spreading her legs for me.

She opened her eyes and was quick to meet my gaze. “Too bad your phone is downstairs,” she commented, with a playful smirk.

True. I already had a topless pic of her thanks to the selfie she had taken with my phone, but the device was still on the sofa where she had tossed it before we headed up to the bedroom. If Jade was cool with it, I would have been more than happy to snap a photo or two of the image before me. “Too bad,” I echoed, “Guess we’ll have to do the photoshoot next time.” If she was offering nudes moving forward, I’d be eager to lean into that possibility. However, my response was mostly about teasing a second ‘date.’ If this is what coffee led to, I could only imagine how physical this relationship could end up being without having to go through the usual small talk and multiple meet-ups it usually took to get to this point.

“Next time,” Jade said, echoing me in response. Displaying every inch of herself for another few seconds, she finally sat up and scooted forward until she was perched on the edge of the mattress. Without another word, she placed her hands on my hips and pulled me towards her. Before I knew it, she was parting her lips and fully throating my hardness with a single bob of her head. All the while, she maintained eye contact.

It was a miracle I didn’t instantly succumb to the wetness and warmth of her mouth. “Jade,” I quietly grunted. That’s about all I could manage while also keeping some semblance of composure.

Detaching as effortlessly as she had taken me inside her, the auburn haired girl substituted her lips for her hand. Gently wrapping her fingers around my cock, she slowly rose to her feet while giving me a taunting squeeze. Leaning forward and brushing her breasts against my bare chest, she said, “This was fun. Now, I think it’s time for me to go.”

Wait, what? Absolutely not. “You-”

“Ah, ah,” she grinned. Giving me a small pump with her hand, she said, “And don’t you dare finish, either. I have class tomorrow. But afterwards . . . I want to feel what it’s like after a whole day of waiting for me.”

Part Ten

Jade took her sweet time leaving, which made her teasing idea all the more frustrating.

After getting me to confirm out loud that I would go along with the request, she lingered for another minute or two. Kissing me, keeping me hard the whole time with her idle touches, and finally leaning forward to whisper in my ear that she’ll be worth the wait.

All the while, I had to resist the urge to make a move. She clearly enjoyed a bit of dominance on my end, but there was a fine line between that and desperation. I also tried to remind myself that we had gotten a lot further than I would have expected for a ‘first date,’ even if she was the only one who had gotten off between the two of us. One more day wasn’t the end of the world. It just felt like it when her hand was still wrapped around my manhood without doing anything but casually edging me.

Finally stepping back and releasing her grip, the auburn haired girl met my eyes with a sultry smirk and told me to wait right there. She padded over to where she must have smoothly and subtly kicked off her thong when turning over on the bed–I hadn’t even noticed when or how she got it the rest of the way down her legs–clearly in no rush to protect her modesty. Slowly bending over to take the black lace garment, she picked up one foot and then the other to step into it, giving me an extended eyeful of her bare backside one last time.

Standing back up just as deliberately, pulling up the thong along the way, she glanced over her shoulder to look me up and down. “Stay hard for me, gorgeous. In case I change my mind.”

I definitely still was. Maybe just not quite as much as when her hand had been keeping me fully at attention. There weren’t many options when standing naked in the middle of the room, so I just used my own hand to keep myself all the way up; constantly checking her out helped as well, of course. Though her thong covered her most private area, her ass was still basically on display for my viewing pleasure. “Tease.” I replied, calling out what we both knew was the truth.

“Mm hmm,” she hummed. In a similar maneuver, she bent over to pick up the matching bra that was on the floor a few feet away. Rather than putting it on right away, she turned around and smiled. “Enjoy it while it lasts.” Then she arched into a stretch, holding it for a few seconds before settling back into a natural position. Just for good measure, she used her free hand to give one of her breasts a squeeze. Only then did she lift her other hand to start putting the bra back on. Though it was a shame when I finally lost sight of her bare chest, the way her cleavage looked in the dark undergarment was plenty attractive in its own way.

Deciding to at least try, even if I doubted she’d go for it, I said, “It’s not too late, you know.”

She coyly tilted her head to the side, “Not too late for what?”

“For me to strip you back down,” I suggested. As casually as possible, not that I had to play it that cool. There was no denying I’d prefer her naked on my bed again.

Jade rolled her eyes, albeit with a smile. Sauntering back up to me, maintaining eye contact the whole time, she placed her hand on mine between my legs. “This is the last time you’re going to touch yourself today,” she calmly instructed. As if to prove it, she slowly pulled my hand away and guided it down to my side. Then she wrapped her own fingers around me again. Lightly rubbing with her thumb, but only enough to keep me completely erect in her soft grip, she said, “You’re going to wait. You’re not going to get off until you’re inside me. Yes?”

I nodded. Apparently that wasn’t enough. A tilt of her head and a teasing squeeze with her hand caused a small pulse of need, but she let up before I could get anywhere close to release. “Yes,” I muttered.

“Good.” With that, she trailed her fingertips all the way up my shaft, finally pulling away after one last teasing nudge. “Get dressed, babe. A gentleman would walk a lady out, wouldn’t he?”

She certainly didn’t act like a lady. Of course, that was part of what made her so hot.

This was definitely the first time I had put my clothes back on without getting off, whether that was playing with myself or hooking up with a girl. After reluctantly retrieving my underwear and pulling it up my legs, I grimaced at the thought of getting into my jeans when still semi-hard. They weren’t that tight on me, but it would still be a little difficult. Sure enough, there was a telling bulge down there as I finished zipping and buttoning my pants; calming down wasn’t exactly an option when Jade was standing there in nothing but her lingerie. I made short work of pulling on my shirt as well, then waited to see if she had any more tricks up her sleeve. Successful as I had been getting Jade off, it was pretty clear that she was the one calling the shots here. Not that I minded.

“Let’s go,” she said. Taking my hand and tugging me towards the hall, she said, “I like your place, by the way. Maybe I’ll help you unpack next time. What do you think? Do you need a woman’s touch?”

“Something like that,” I muttered. And yet, I wouldn’t be getting that until tomorrow.

She walked us back to the main floor, giggling at the sight of the coffee cups in the living room. “Shame. Maybe we can do coffee for real next time, too.”

Uh huh. Or we could just fuck each other all afternoon and evening.

Jade made a show of getting dressed just like she had done with her undergarments. Shimmying into her jean shorts while her cleavage bounced and shifted around in the process. Going in the same order as I did, she pulled on her tank top second, only after flaunting her bra-clad chest throughout the first part.

“Well, this was fun,” she taunted, as I walked her to the front door, “We should do it again some time.”

“See you tomorrow?” I reminded her.

“And in your dreams tonight,” she smirked. Stepping forward, she pressed her lips against mine and cupped my still partially erect self below. “Miss me. And don’t you dare get off in the meantime.” Giving me a teasing rub over my jeans, she paired the gesture with a lingering peck.

Rounding out the goodbye by nipping my lower lip with her teeth, Jade stepped back with those impossibly flirty eyes. “Later,” she said. With a wink and a sultry smile, she swiveled on her heel and sauntered away.

Part Eleven

It took quite a while for me to come down from the experience with Jade.

Of course, I was tempted to ignore her parting words and pleasure myself anyway. I doubted she would really be able to tell. At least, not physically. However, I could see her asking, and then reading me like a book. Considering how direct she was when we first met, I wouldn’t put it past her to meet my eyes and greet me with the question within the first few minutes of her arrival.

I also did enjoy the game. Though I would have preferred to fuck her when she was literally naked in my bedroom, we had already done so much more than the average pairing would do on a ‘first date.’ I could wait one more day, especially since she had basically invited herself over twice to fool around with me. Besides, I had plenty to take care of that didn’t involve fucking a hot girl.

Once I had settled down from everything, I got to work on the ongoing moving-in process. That wasn’t going to happen overnight, but I could at least chip away at some of the boxes and start finding places for things that were more obvious. Tomorrow also marked the first day of my teaching job, so I had my lesson plans to review for that. I actually wasn’t really stressing over that. There was only so much teaching I would be doing at the beginning, as I would mostly be doing introductions, as well as going over the syllabus and expectations for the semester. Of course, I still had to be prepared for Tuesday and beyond, as that was when I’d really be diving into each class.

All in all, it was a rather uneventful evening. While it was impossible to truly get Jade out of my mind, there were enough distractions along the way. And something told me that tomorrow would fly by. Between the various classes, as well as acquainting myself with the other faculty members, there wouldn’t be a lot of time to breathe. I was excited for the day itself, of course; I was just also looking forward to the afternoon afterwards, where Jade and I would be picking things up where we left off.

I never enjoyed waking up early.

At the same time, I had resigned myself to painfully early mornings when choosing a career in education. It was easily worse than a 9-5, as students got to school well before that. Naturally, teachers ended up arriving even earlier, to prepare for their day of classes and be present for homeroom when the first bell rang.

I had been to the high school several times already, to get my classroom in order and to get the lay of the land. Being fresh out of college meant that I was already at a visual disadvantage due to my age; the last thing I needed was to look lost and/or clueless on the way to the teachers’ lounge. As I had learned as a student teacher, earning the respect of teenagers could be quite the difficult line to walk. Being too friendly or relatable could lead to unprofessional dynamics, while being too much of a hard-ass would mean being the teacher that nobody liked. Ideally, I’d land somewhere in the middle, where students actually enjoyed my classes without trying to walk all over me.

Thankfully, my professors had taught me well. Between what I had learned in undergrad, as well as my experience assisting in classes, my first few classes were a success. I managed to maneuver a few curveballs in the form of students that were testing the water, showing that I was both quick on my feet and a little more intimidating than I looked at first glance. That being said, it was definitely more daunting being in front of the classroom by myself, rather than having the support of someone who had already done the legwork of setting a healthy dynamic with their students.

By the time my lunch break rolled around, I was tempted to just eat at my desk. Being the new guy, however, I did want to introduce myself to whomever else was free at the time.

I did my best to energize after socializing through the entire break. After getting back ten minutes before my next class, I braced myself for the afternoon. My day was frontloaded, so I only had two periods left. As a teacher with basically no tenure or official experience beyond my diploma, I was responsible for the general literature classes across all four grades. The AP classes and more advanced subjects were taught by those who had been at it for longer than I had and/or with some higher education under their belt. Not that I minded; I was fine sticking with the more accessible material for the time being, so I didn’t have to tackle excessive curriculum prep on top of figuring out how to run each of my classes. As I had already learned, each collection of students was unique.

My coming class was going to be primarily seniors, which was certainly going to be an adventure. While they’d probably be more mature than the years below, I could also see them being more difficult to win over when we were fairly close in age. And, based on my own experience from four or five years ago, so many students ended up mentally checking out when graduation was on the horizon. Maybe not on the first day of senior year, but still.

There were a lot of things I had been anticipating throughout the day, including the five or ten minutes of prep time I had given myself for the coming class. However, not even taking the full break would have prepared me for what I was about to be dealing with.

As I was politely greeting students as they trickled in, and handing out a copy of the syllabus to each one, it wasn’t long before I ended up face to face with Jade as she stepped into the classroom.

Part Twelve

What the actual fuck?!

Considering the skimpy outfit Jade had on, there was no way she was some teaching assistant or intern or whatever who coincidentally ended up needing to stop by one of my classes. Also, she had told me she was into the arts, and I doubted a girl like her would have some part-time gig at the very school I just started working at. There weren’t many other possibilities out there besides the obvious: she was a high school student.

Jade had said ‘senior’ at the bar. Naturally, my mind had leapt to ‘college senior,’ considering both her maturity and the fact that she had been drinking whiskey. In my defense, she had certainly never specified herself, as doing so would have given away that she was out with a fake ID. I didn’t really care about that piece of the puzzle, as I drank when I was a teenager as well; my biggest concern, obviously, was the fact that I had slept with one of my students. Well, not fully slept with, but close enough.

To her credit, she looked just as surprised as I felt. Between the two of us, however, she recovered more quickly. “Syllabus?” she politely asked, holding out her hand for the small packet. “I’m Jade, by the way.”

“Umm, right. Here you go, Jade.” I fumbled with the top syllabus for a second, then gave it to her while hopefully not giving anything away to the small group of students still filing their way into the classroom.

There really wasn’t any time to pull her aside, or even to take a moment to breathe. She turned and headed into the room to find a seat, and I was still in the midst of greeting each new arrival. Doing my best to settle back into the energy I had before Jade appeared, I handed out the remainder of the syllabi with a fake smile on my face. All the while, I was wondering how the hell I was going to lead the coming class when my mind was anywhere but teaching at the moment. At least I had already done four rounds of introductions/expectations, and didn’t have to worry about getting through any actual content today.

Jade had picked a desk in the back row. Seemed on brand for her, as my first interaction with her demonstrated how little patience she had for certain people. That, or she was trying to distance herself as much as possible from me. This had to be a whole thing for her as well; I couldn’t even begin to imagine it from her perspective.

She was literally wearing the same skirt she had worn when we met, this time with a dark green tank top. Though her look was objectively the same as before, everything had changed. In the dim light of the bar, she looked so hot when showing that much skin. In the fluorescent light of a public school classroom, however, the image was that of a teenager dressing casually, like so many of her peers did. Okay, maybe she was still hot, except there were now so many more considerations beyond the physical.

At least Jade wasn’t sitting in the front; I’m not sure I would have been able to handle that. Honestly, I would have preferred her blending in by sitting in the middle, but it probably wouldn’t have mattered. No matter where she was, my eyes were going to be drawn that way. Out of nervousness, familiarity, etc. It was going to be a long class.

Somehow, I survived. By focusing on the schedule for the coming semester and going on auto-pilot to some degree thanks to how I had already done this a few times, I did my best to build a decent rapport with the group of students. With this specific class, I made sure to go through my spiel about how I was aware that most of them were starting their final year, and how I planned on treating them like young adults as long as they acted like it. I really didn’t care for hand raising in general; if a student needed the bathroom or had something important to deal with, they could just go. And, borrowing from a mentor of mine, I also offered each student three passes for late assignments. Sometimes it’s just a shitty week, or a major club/sport commitment, or another class needs priority due to an upcoming test/essay/project, etc.. Or, for some, those passes could be used for simple procrastination. Either way, I never wanted to be a hardass about deadlines when everyone their age had so much going on beyond just academics.

Going into all of that was a much needed distraction from the auburn haired girl sitting in the back row. And, before I knew it, I was wrapping things up in time for the bell. I genuinely had no idea if Jade was going to dart out of the room or attempt to talk to me; I was guessing the latter, based on how bold and forward she had been yesterday.

It turned out that she planned on splitting the difference. As everyone filtered out of the classroom, some of whom thanked me or briefly introduced themselves along the way, Jade made her way towards the front. Rather than approaching me, she placed something on my desk when I was talking with another student, making sure to catch my eye as she did. Then she sauntered out of the classroom, glancing over her shoulder at the last second to shoot me a smile.

I didn’t have much time, as the first students of my last class would be arriving shortly. Turns out, Jade had simply left me a note. Unfolding the half sheet of notebook paper, I quickly read what she had written in handwriting that was just as pretty as the number she had jotted down for me outside the bar.

We should probably talk. Wait for me here after your last class?


P.S. I’m eighteen. :)

Part Thirteen

It wasn’t lost on me that Jade used that little phrase from our time together yesterday. ‘Wait for me.’ I doubted she meant it in the same context here, though that part of her note succeeded in sparking a couple inappropriate memories when I was supposed to be focused on my next class.

She was eighteen. That was good to know. It was still definitely wrong to be doing anything like that with a student of mine, but the fact that she was legal eliminated a whole other set of would-be complications.

My last class of the day wasn’t quite as rough as the previous one. While I was still plenty distracted, I didn’t have to deal with Jade being in view like before. The girl was just in my head over the course of the next hour. I also had to make a good impression with my last round of students, however, so I could dedicate too much energy to mentally preparing for the conversation Jade and I would be having.

Leaving without facing her was out of the question. This was something that needed to be handled sooner rather than later. Plus she knew where I lived, and if I avoided her for the sake of giving myself a little more time to sort this all out, there was a good chance she’d simply show up to talk to me. Better to handle things here, in the private yet public space of my classroom.

The hour was a bit of a blur. Thankfully, I could somewhat autopilot things after more or less going through the same introduction and details numerous times at this point. When the final bell rang, I wasn’t sure whether to breathe a sigh of relief or not. I had made it through the first day of my first official teaching job. Not that impressive, considering the coming week of getting started on actual material was more daunting to me than today was. And then there was the whole Jade thing.

She didn’t make me wait long.

I was tidying my room, which was something I’d apparently have to get used to when dealing with teenagers who forgot personal possessions and some of whom considered the ground a trash can, Jade arrived. Rather than stepping into the classroom, she stood in the doorway and greeted me with a nonchalant, “Hey.”

Though I had been expecting her, it wasn’t as if I was constantly glancing over. I was finishing up my rounds and picking up a water bottle by the back row of desks when she got my attention. “Hey, Jade,” I said as I stood back up, internally cringing at how my response came out as an awkward combination of casual and formal. In my defense, we had two very different dynamics at this point.

“May I come in?” she smiled, “I have no idea what the after school rules are.”

Right. There were rules for stuff like this, particularly about one on one time with students. “You’re fine,” I said, “Just leave the door open.” We were just going to have to keep our voices down and avoid specifics to keep anyone from passing by or walking in from overhearing something that could get me in trouble.

She pushed off the doorjamb where she had been leaning, still very much looking like a confusing hybrid of the girl I met at the bar and the high school student I now knew her to be. Black backpack slung over a single shoulder and a natural confidence in her body language that demonstrated that she had recovered from our surprise meeting earlier. “And where would you like me?” she asked, “At a desk? At your desk?”

Well, so much for being mature about all this. Her flirting wasn’t particularly subtle, which meant it was up to me to set some boundaries. “A desk is fine,” I replied, “And this is serious, Jade. You didn’t tell me that you were in high school.”

“I said I was a senior,” she shrugged.

“A senior, who was drinking at a bar,” I pointed out. And who looked a few years older than she actually was.

Jade just sighed. She sauntered over to the front row of desks, leaning against the one in the middle and facing away from me. “Fine. Maybe I implied or omitted or whatever. But also, come on. I know it’s a total cliché, but I’m mature for my age. And you can’t deny that we work.”

It was difficult to not roll my eyes at the cliché phrase, not that she would see me do so from where she was now standing. She wasn’t completely wrong, as she had come across as more of a college senior when I had been making that assumption. Still, her recent flirting pointed in the opposite direction, as did a number of little things in retrospect.

“There is no ‘we,’ Jade,” I said. It felt somewhat cold to say, although we also barely knew each other before the revelation about her age. Yes, I had been looking forward to getting to know her beyond those first few interactions, but we were hardly exclusive. “Do you know how bad this would be for me if anyone found out?” With another girl, I’d be more hesitant to provide ammo she could potentially use against me. Only this was Jade. Based on how self assured she was, I doubted she would stoop to using any kind of leverage to get what she wanted.

I made my way to the front of the room, entirely unsure where to place myself. With any other student, I probably wouldn’t be overthinking something like that. Settling on the chair behind my desk, hoping that anyone who happened to look into the room wouldn’t question us being face to face in such a way, I tried to ignore the way the auburn haired girl’s outfit hugged her body.

Jade didn’t look particularly upset by my response. Instead, she merely glanced towards the hall for a moment before returning her gaze to me. “Honestly? I think it’s kind of hot.”

Part Fourteen

In theory, maybe.

The taboo of sneaking around with a girl I definitely wasn’t supposed to be with was hot in theory. Especially since it wasn’t just about sex. When Jade and I first met, we had spent the night just talking to each other, and there were no expectations at first. And considering how well we had clicked in the bedroom the next day, there was no denying that there was chemistry between us on multiple levels.

Still. Not only was she my student, but she was a high school girl. Eighteen, sure. Except that wasn’t really an excuse.

When I didn’t say anything right away, Jade tilted her head. “What do you think?”

I had already told her that. Kind of. Though she was asking more about her most recent statement, rather than the rest of it. “I think we should call it a mistake. No, the better word is probably ‘miscommunication.’ Today is literally my first day teaching; even if it wasn’t, something like this isn’t appropriate.”

“Hmm. Aren’t you an english teacher? You’re really bad at getting to the point. Then again, your job is to nudge the rest of us towards our own conclusions,” she smiled. At least she wasn’t offended by me calling our experience together a mistake before correcting myself. “This is serious. We could get in trouble. It’s not appropriate. But, you still want to, right?”

“That-” That wasn’t fair. My hesitation alone was likely telling enough, despite her question not being way more gray than it sounded. “Jade. I’m saying we can’t.”

She brushed her hair back, then gestured towards me with her palm up, “I thought you said there was no ‘we.’ And you didn’t answer my question! Do you want to? With me? Not should we, or can we. Do you want to? Yes, or no?”

Yes.’ It was probably Jade’s intention. Framing things like that made me lean towards the affirmative, even though it was more complicated than that. And because we had been intimate with each other, it was difficult to feel like the authority figure between us. Being older hardly mattered when she had so effortlessly teased me yesterday, not to mention the fact that I had seen her naked. “It doesn’t matter,” I said, once again basically answering without answering, “I’m not-”

“That’s what I thought,” she said. Pushing off the desk she had been resting against, she sauntered forward until she was standing right in front of my own desk. Leaning forward and propping herself up on her hands, she pursed her lips in a soft smile. “I still need a lot of private tutoring, professor. I’m sure there’s so much you can teach me.”

I wasn’t actually a professor, though that was hardly my first thought as Jade slipped into a moment of roleplay. My main priority was not glancing down towards her cleavage in the dark green tank top. At the same time, meeting her gaze was just as dangerous. I felt a familiar twitch below my waist that thankfully didn’t turn into anything more. The open classroom door off to my side kept me pretty firmly in reality, even if Jade’s look brought me back to the previous day.

Taking a breath, I tried my best to keep some degree of professionalism. Admittedly, the girl before me was tempting. Between the two of us, however, I was supposed to be the mature one. “Jade, I’m serious,” I said, for the second time. However, that wasn’t enough. As she had pointed out, I hadn’t actually said anything that directly rejected her. Doing so was now less simple, both because of the way she was flaunting herself as well as how I had basically told her that I wanted her via omission.

Somewhat mirroring me, she exhaled. Hers was more of a sigh than what I had done to center myself, and momentarily drew my attention to her lips. Hopefully she didn’t notice. “I’m serious, too,” she replied, “This is hot, whether you’re into the schoolgirl thing or not. Admit it. If we did this, and it was our dirty little secret . . . you’re telling me that doesn’t excite you?”

Several potential responses jumped to mind, not to mention the fact that she wasn’t wrong. Still, certain fantasies sounded better in theory than execution. The main thought that I kept coming back was that I was not prepared in the slightest for this conversation. Ending things with Jade was the most responsible approach, yet I was only going to be able to do that if I had some time to figure out how to explain it without her verbally dancing circles around me. Apparently I could handle a class full of teenagers her age, but not a one on one single girl. Not a girl I had a brief ‘history’ with, anyway.

“You should go,” I said, “I’m supposed to check in with the office before I leave.” It was the truth, albeit one that wasn’t quite as pressing as I was implying. Any excuse would do at this point.

“And am I coming over later? You have been waiting for me, yes?” she winked.

Right. That. “Jade. Someone could hear you.” First and foremost, she couldn’t say things like that. Her voice had been on the quieter side, but it made me nervous nonetheless.

She smirked, and lowered her voice. “Oh, yeah. Dirty little secret. Should I take that as a ‘yes?’ I won’t tell anyone, I promise.”

“No,” I said, finally managing to be direct, if only because she was finally prompting me with a yes/no question that worked in my favor. “Look, we can talk about this later,” I elaborated. After I had the space to sort out what to say. “Until then, we need to just be teacher and student. Okay?”

“Fine,” she said, “Actually, that’s better.” Standing back up, meeting my eyes all the while, she murmured, “It would be way more interesting to hook up here, rather than your place.”

Part Fifteen

In Jade’s defense, I hadn’t exactly shut the door very well. She could have easily interpreted ‘we can talk about this later’ in a variety of ways, when I was really just trying to buy myself some time.

She didn’t keep pushing. After her observation regarding how hot it would be to hook up in my classroom, she gave me a wink and then walked away. I shouldn’t have been watching her go, though it was difficult to look away from the sway of her hips. It was only a few seconds before she turned the corner, after which I let out a breath I had been holding for who knows how long. Also, Jade hadn’t said it would be ‘hot’ to fool around here; she had said ‘interesting.’ Which meant I was the one who mentally shifted to the slightly less appropriate word.

And, to her credit, she respected my boundaries. I half expected to see her waiting on my doorstep when I arrived home, or to show up at some point throughout the afternoon or evening. But, she didn’t. No unannounced visit sprung on me, nor even a text from the girl. A small part of me was disappointed, even though I knew better.

What was on my phone, however, was the selfie she had taken of her lingerie clad body. This wasn’t the first time I was looking at it, of course, though now I was grateful she had taken it in the cautious way. The photo was mostly from the neck down. Mostly. Jade had included her sultry smirk in the image, which paired well with her cleavage below. Still, there were no identifying features save for the auburn hair behind her bare shoulder. Smart. Giving someone you just met a nude with your face in it wasn’t typically the best idea. I would never share something so personal that was meant just for me, but there were plenty of people who would.

Personally, I was glad I didn’t have a photo that was clearly one of my students who was half dressed in my living room. Which meant . . . I didn’t have to delete it? I knew it was wrong to keep. At the same time, Jade and I hadn’t technically reached closure on any of this yet.

Once I was settled back at my place, I ended up thinking about a lot more than simply how to explain to her that we shouldn’t. Now that I knew that she was not only a high school senior, but a girl in one of my classes, continuing what we had started was a terrible idea. Even if we were careful, even if we leaned into the teacher/student thing in terms of sneaking around and getting off on the risk, there was the whole ‘jeopardizing my career/future’ thing.

The problem was, it was a lot easier for the lines to blur between fantasy and reality once I was no longer in my classroom.

Jade was fucking hot. I enjoyed my time with her at the bar, and obviously had a good time when she invited herself over. And though I knew it had been a mistake, and would continue to be a mistake if I gave into my impulses, I couldn’t help but flash through a number of images involving her. Jade, under my desk. Or sitting on top of my desk, with her legs spread. Even the girl slipping me another note while fully clothed was somewhat of a turn-on, as she would be doing so when any number of other students around could catch one of my glances or one of her flirty looks.

I knew it was wrong to think about her like that. It didn’t matter that she was eighteen and mature for her age; letting my imagination run wild in private would almost certainly make those mental images flare up when I next saw her in my classroom.

Then there was the matter of her directive. I was supposed to ‘wait for her.’ So far, I had. Now that we weren’t going to see that through, I could get myself off without ruining her teasing games. Honestly, it would probably make me think more clearly. Unless doing so while Jade was on my mind ended up being counterproductive.

Suffice to say, it was not a particularly productive afternoon or restful evening. I had some prep to do for the following day, which I tackled to the best of my ability while putting off the more pressing task.

At most, I had bought myself 24 hours by ending that conversation with Jade. She would almost certainly swing by after my last class to pick things up where we left off, at which point I would need to be ready. Unlike my curriculum, I could only prepare so well for a girl who had already proven she could throw anything my way. Short of outright shutting her down, there was no getting away from her teasing or flirting. And if I did end things in a way that was rather final, I also needed to make sure she would continue to keep this to herself.

I didn’t think that Jade would try to hold this over my head or anything, even if it was a one time thing. But also, secrets were tricky. If she told just one friend of hers, that doubled the chances of it getting out. Then again, she could just as easily confide in a girlfriend of hers either way, so it wasn’t as if that made a difference.

By the time I had finished dinner and everything else I needed to get done, I was no closer sorting out my decision regarding Jade. Or, more accurately, I knew what I needed to do, but not how to do it.

Part of my personal hesitation was the fact that I was still tempted. Despite everything, I couldn’t help but think of the possibilities. What would she and I do, exactly, if we agreed to be each others’ dirty little secret?

Part Sixteen


The Present, Parts 1-20


SubscribeStar Story: The Conference, Part Two