Lady Lucia Update (September Edition!)

Hello, everyone—

First of all, thank you for bearing with me last month. Rather than spreading out my summer vacations, I saved them all for August. Because of that, I ended up being perpetually behind on my writing for a few weeks. As of today, I’m all caught up, and I plan to keep it that way for a while. No promises once we hit the holidays in a few months, but I should be good for now!

Shall we move onto some announcements?

Story Links

You may have noticed that my website looks a little bit different in terms of how I’ve been linking things on the main page, as well as the Exclusive Content page. For whatever reason, Squarespace is being finicky about the way I was doing it before, so this is my current fix. I know it’s not as pretty, but I’d rather maintain a convenient way for all of you to access older posts. As usual, I’ll be linking from part to part within each story, and consolidating ongoing works every five parts/chapters to avoid too much jumping around.

Not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things; I just figured it was worth noting!

Story Focus Tier/Extra Support

Just a reminder that I added a new tier last month. If you want to participate in a monthly vote that adds a post day and/or a higher word count for any of my current stories, check it out! September’s vote will be on the 14th. Part of the reason that I set this up was because a couple readers wanted to offer a little more support, but didn’t want to commit to what used to be the second tier due to the price jump; hopefully this is a good compromise, whether you’re interested in the poll or not.

Or, if really have your eye on one story, Tiers 3-5 are a great way to directly get more content each month.

My Birth Week

Without sharing the specific date, I recently celebrated my birthday! The best gift from my wonderful readers would be new subscribers, or a tier jump from anyone who already generously pledges. Not my most creative SubscribeStar plug, but I hope I can be a little shameless around my birthday. :)


I hope you all had a great end to your summer, and wish you a great start to your autumn. It’s my favorite season, so I’m very much looking forward to it. Until next time!

Much love,

Lady Lucia


The Present, Part 24


SubscribeStar Story: The Conference, Part Three