The Housekeeper, Chapter 22

Read Chapter One

Chapter 22

Hannah wasn’t bluffing.

The first thing she did upon making it back to her friends was pick up her towel. She shook the sand off of it and proceeded to start packing up her things. Taking her lead, Lillian and Willow began doing the same.

I was way too far away to hear their conversation, or even to make out their facial expressions, but the sight of them putting everything away was enough to make a knot form in my stomach. They wouldn’t actually leave without me, would they?! I had no discernable way of making it back to Hannah’s house, which would be enough of a problem if I was fully dressed. What was I supposed to do in just my bottoms?

Before too long, I had no choice but to get moving. Hannah and her friends had just about finished taking down their beach set-up, and she once again didn’t even bother looking my way. Instead, she began walking towards the parking lot.

Wait!’ They definitely wouldn’t hear me from where I was hiding my exposed self in the water, and I didn’t want to draw any unnecessary attention to myself. No one was really around me at the moment, but still.

Knowing it was now or never, I took a huge breath and started walking towards the shore. I was moving a lot more slowly than I would have liked, but I also refused to drop my arms. By the time the water was shallow enough for me to pick up the pace, the trio of girls had already made it to the far side of the sand.

I was topless in public. Like, actually topless, rather than briefly exposed like I had been while changing earlier. My rational brain knew that everyone wasn’t instantly staring, considering how I was covering myself, but someone could notice at any second. Speed walking in the direction of Hannah and her friends, as running really wasn’t possible with my boobs out and the tripping hazard of the uneven sand, I only made it a quarter of the way towards them before I felt the borrowed board shorts sliding down.

Groaning to myself, and blushing more than I already was, I quickly found a grip on the waistband of the loose shorts and hiked them back up. My other arm adjusted to wrap around my chest, and I had to pray that no one glimpsed me partially flashing the outdoor world in my haste to keep myself from being bottomless and potentially tripping over my own shorts.

Though Hannah had found a somewhat secluded spot for us, it was still a beautiful summer day and plenty of people were out enjoying the beach. As much as I wished that I could be invisible, I only lasted so long before someone noticed my state of undress.

“Holy shit. Is that chick topless?!” Some college guy pointed me out to his friends, prompting me to speed up as best as I could while my shorts were hampering me in the most awkward way. Now that they were wet, they somehow clung to me while also threatening to fall down all at the same time.

A minute later, I was called out more directly. “What do you think you’re doing, young lady? There are children at this beach!”

All I could do was mumble a flustered apology without breaking my stride. Normally I was more polite, but I really couldn’t stop. She threatened to get a lifeguard or call the authorities, which I had no response to. I could only pray that she wouldn’t follow through, or that we would be gone before then.

By the time I made it to the narrow boardwalk, I could barely see the blonde hair that I had been fixating on. Rushing towards the parking lot, ignoring some jeering comment of an older guy I passed, I hastily scanned the area for the car we had arrived in.

Lillian and Willow were nowhere to be seen. However, I finally spotted Hannah putting her beach supplies in the trunk of her car. It was too early to breathe out a sigh of relief. With a renewed surge of energy, I made a beeline for her. If she got in and drove away before I made it, I didn’t know what I was going to do. “Hannah. Hannah!” I exclaimed. She closed the trunk. Either she didn’t hear me, or she was actively ignoring my calls. “HANNAH.” I knew how much attention I would draw to myself from yelling, yet I had to weigh that against what would happen if Hannah remained oblivious to the fact that I was fewer than ten cars away from her now.

She finally turned her head in response to my shrill iteration of her name. Placing a hand on her hip and waiting for me to get a little closer, she said, “About fucking time. Get in the car, Virgin. Back seat.”

I didn’t need to be told twice. Hannah could speak to me however she wanted to as long as she didn’t leave without me. Briefly abandoning my grip on the shorts, as they’d be fine for a few seconds compared to what it would be like if I partially flashed anyone who was looking this way, I opened the door and scrambled into the car.

As I did, Hannah settled into the driver’s seat, only to glare at me in the mirror. “Jessie! You’re still wet. Use your top to dry off. And get changed. Now!”

My top? Get changed into what? It took me a second to notice that my clothes from earlier were on the floor. Again, I was way too flustered to do anything beyond what I was being told to do. The outdoor air and the sun had done plenty throughout my race from the ocean to her car, though the board shorts wouldn’t dry nearly as easily. I picked up the tank top and shorts and reluctantly began stripping my lower half. Rather than waiting for me, Hannah put the key in the ignition and back out of her parking spot.

There was really no way to cover everything while I was fully naked and needing my hands to get dressed. I didn’t worry about drying anything below my waist for the time being. Instead, I immediately pulled on the underwear and short shorts before using the top like Hannah demanded of me. A towel would have been preferable, but I did my best to dry the areas that would be directly touching the leather of Hannah’s car, then belatedly buckled myself in.

The white tank top had made me nervous enough before. Too tight, too thin, and no bra underneath. Now it was white fabric that was damp, clinging to my damp body. A single downward glance informed me that it was mostly see-through. Still better than being fully topless, of course. Barely.

We didn’t drive far. Just to an outdoor pavilion a few blocks away that was even more crowded than the beach, where countless people were hanging out and eating. Getting out of the car was bad enough in my current ensemble, and was quickly made worse by the amazing scents in the air. That wouldn’t normally be a bad thing, save for the fact that I had only had a couple scraps to eat 24 hours ago, and the variety of food trucks around made me salivate and caused my stomach to loudly grumble.

“Virgin. Come.” Hannah made no effort to be quiet about the degrading nickname.

All I could do was follow. It would be too obvious to cup my breasts with my hands, so I crossed my arms over the sheer top instead. The downside was that it would take a lot longer to dry in my current position, but that was just the price I was going to have to pay to keep myself from being exposed to the dozens of people around us as Hannah roamed through the area looking for a free table.

Or, more accurately, looking for her friends again. “Over here!” Willow exclaimed. This time, it was just her. Lillian was nowhere to be seen, though I assumed she was off finding food and/or drink for herself and maybe the others.

“Hey. Nice table,” Hannah said, “Should I text Lillian for something?”

“You’re fine; I know what you like, I think,” Willow replied, “Oh, Jessie made it. I was worried she was going to be left behind.”

“She almost was.” Sitting down at the table that was far too big for just four girls, not that spoiled girls like Hannah and her friends seemed like the considerate type, the harsh blonde looked at me with that usual judgmental expression. “What the fuck are you doing, Virgin? Sit. Now.”

Flushing at how Willow giggled at how I was being bossed around, I did as I was told. Standing around wasn’t appealing anyway, as I was still very much trying to avoid attention from anyone around us.

Like usual, the two of them proceeded to start chatting as if I wasn’t there. Again, I didn’t mind. At this point, I was mostly trying to run out the clock. The sooner we were back at Hannah’s house the better. Though things were never great for me there, either, at least there wasn’t the risk of public exposure and/or embarrassment.

Lillian showed up a couple minutes later with a basket of fries and a basket of nachos. Rather than joining us, she left right away. Maybe to get drinks? I was just surprised that I wasn’t being put on food/drink duty, as Hannah made it clear that I was to continue being her servant even when we were out at the mall and other such places.

As the remaining two girls continued gossiping, now doing so while grazing on the appetizers before them, all I could do was stare longingly at the fries and chips. It was even worse having food right in front of me. Was Hannah purposely starving me? Or did she not even consider my basic needs most of the time?

However, hunger was about to be the least of my worries.

Out of nowhere, something began vibrating between my thighs. Gasping in surprise, as well as thorough confusion, I parted my legs in an attempt to figure out what was happening.

Did I sit on something that Willow or Lillian had managed to sneak underneath me as I was getting settled? It wasn’t until I shifted my position that I realized it had to be my underwear. The panties had looked and felt somewhat unfamiliar when Hannah had first given them to me and I had put them on. Except at the time, I was just grateful to not be naked any more, and there had been so many other things to worry about.

But, why? And how? The gentle vibrations weren’t nearly enough to actually turn me on, especially when we were in public and I was in anything but a sexy headspace after everything I had been put through recently. I looked from Hannah to Willow, neither of whom seemed to notice the shift in my demeanor. There had to be a remote, right? Otherwise, my underwear would have done something like this forever ago. Except I could see both girls, and their hands were occupied with food and the occasional conversational gesture.

Lillian, then? She was still missing, and-


What had been a faint hum below my waist was now a more persistent series of vibrations. I didn’t even know clothing like this existed. Was this some kind of sex toy I was wearing??

It was suddenly a lot more difficult to keep my composure. Since the panties were right up against my womanhood, there was very little I could do to stop myself from being physically affected by the sensations of the fabric.

And then, they started vibrating more quickly.

Reality was becoming less and less of a deterrent to my reluctant lust when my body was being hit with the gradually increasing intensity that showed no sign of stopping. I did my best to shift and adjust in my seat in an attempt to mitigate what the underwear was doing to me, but nothing seemed to help. All I could do was focus on not being turned on, which wasn’t actually possible when there was really no way to avoid thinking about something so unfamiliar and so pleasurable.

My control finally slipped when the vibrations increased yet again. I wasn’t so far gone that I let out a moan or anything, but my eyelids fluttered for a moment and I released a breathy exhale that was completely involuntary.

Hannah and Willow both turned towards me. “What the fuck was that, Virgin?” Hannah asked, “Oh, God. Are you turned on just by being around a bunch of girls in bikinis?” She and her friend were both ‘topless’ in that sense, as were plenty of others around us who were comfortable walking around in shorts and bikini tops.

“N-no!” I exclaimed, blushing as I accidentally glanced down towards her cleavage. That’s just where my eyes went, because of what she just referenced. Also, could she and Willow not hear my panties?! To me, the hum from below was somewhat audible, though I could be hyper-aware of the sound due to what I was going through down there.

“Eyes up here, slut,” Hannah snapped, calling me out immediately, “I asked you a question.”

But- but I answered it. And I was hesitant to open my mouth again, considering that even breathing was starting to feel risky. Did Hannah know? She had to know. She was the one who gave me these panties to begin with!

“Jessie.” Locking eyes with me, she bluntly asked, “Are you turned on right now? Like a lesbian slut?”

Whether she knew, or if she could just tell based on my body language and expression, there was only one answer I could give her. Because even if this wasn’t happening to me, Hannah would want me to respond in a way that made me look bad in front of her and her friend. I was going to say what she wanted. However, when I parted my lips to do so, the vibrations increased again, and I ended up letting out a long, low moan.

Flinging my hand over my mouth as quickly as I usually did when trying to hide my modesty, I was instantly torn between begging Hannah for mercy or whipping my head around to see if anyone nearby had heard me make such a slutty sound. I opted for the former, mostly since she had already locked me into place with her gaze.

Hannah finally smiled, pursing her lips in amusement and breaking her more serious/judgmental facade. “I’ll take that as a ‘Yes.’ Okay, slut. Why don’t you find Lillian for me? If you can manage that, I might just give you a reward.”

Find Lillian? But, Lillian could be anywhere! And I questioned whether or not I’d be able to stand or walk properly as I was getting more and more damp down there. “Hannah, please . . . I can’t- I shouldn’t get up,” I muttered. Then I proceeded to clamp my mouth shut as I felt another wave of pleasure coursing through my body.

“Stupid girl,” Hannah muttered, “Who the fuck said anything about getting up? I told you to find her. She’s at another table right now. Willow, are your maids this bad at following simple instructions?”

“You’re the one who let her out of the house,” Willow shrugged.

“Hmm, good point,” she said, “Anyway. You know what you have to do, Jessie. Find Lillian.”

It wasn’t possible. I wasn’t wearing my glasses. The only reason I had been able to keep eyes on Hannah earlier was because I kept my gaze trained on her as she left the ocean. Looking for a specific person in the crowd around us was a task I wasn’t capable of performing, no matter how desperate I was to put an end to the mortifying lust I was dealing with. “Umm, my glasses. I can’t see.” Admitting weakness to Hannah didn’t feel good. I was already so vulnerable amidst everything she had put me through thus far. At the same time, I couldn’t think of anything else to say, and it was only getting more difficult to think clearly.

“So fucking needy,” Hannah said. She reached into her bag and procured my glasses. Of course, she wasn’t going to make it that easy. “Wearing these means no covering your chest or your mouth. Do you understand, Jessica?”

My full name just punctuated her strict tone. All I could do was nod, then lower the arm that had remained over my breasts this whole time. The tank top was still a bit damp; I just had to hope no one looked our way while it dried.

“Good girl.” She placed the case down on the table and slid it towards me. “Oh, one more thing. If you break your rules, then I’ll break your glasses.”

It wasn’t a discussion. I hesitantly took my glasses out and put them on, already slightly regretting my request for them. Protecting my modesty was more of an instinct than anything else, and now I had to keep my arms down no matter what happened.

The good news was, I could see. The bad news was, I would be a lot more aware of anyone looking in my direction, which would in turn tempt me to do the very thing that would take away my sight again.

Managing to stifle another moan forming in my throat, I began scanning the area for Lillian.

With every passing second, I felt like I was in less control of my body and the sexual urges brought on by the vibrating underwear.

All I could do was play Hannah’s game and hope for the best.

Chapter 23


SubscribeStar Story: The Teaching Assistant, Parts 1-30


The Sister, Part 32