The Sister, Part 32

Read Part One

Part 32

That was the exact opposite of what I was trying to achieve. Yet the offer didn’t surprise me in the slightest, considering where we were and how she was ‘dressed’ for a shower.

“Natalie, you’re not listening,” I said. Or, more accurately, she was being highly selective about what she heard.

“You’re not even saying anything,” she huffed, “I’ve asked you so many questions! I’m trying to get to know my sister’s boyfriend, and he’s being so stubborn. Come on, babe. You can be honest with me.”

There was still nowhere else to look but into her eyes. She was also clearly content taking her sweet time with all this. There was no rush, as everyone else had turned in for the night. Crass as some of her words had been, the girl before me didn’t seem interested in just pouncing on me. Despite my persistent reluctance, she always set things up so we were both giving consent along the way. Which made me complicit, of course.

Though she was absolutely using my body against me at times, I could say ‘no’ at any step along the way. Even now, the best play was probably to walk away and tell her to get on with her shower. Instead, I stayed. Allowed myself to get more tangled up in her seductive games.

“And you can be less of a brat,” I muttered.

Instead of looking offended, her eyes lit up. “I love it when guys call me that. Okay, let’s make a deal. I’ll be less bratty if you’ll be more honest. So. Do I turn you on? Yes, or no?”

As if it was that black and white. Although there was really only one answer, considering how I had been hard for her multiple times earlier. She certainly wouldn’t believe any attempts at a denial. Slightly flushing in frustration, I said, “Yes. But, that doesn’t mean-”

“I knew it!” she exclaimed. Taking another half step closer and lowering her voice again, she went on, “Don’t worry; your secret is safe with me. Alright, next question. Are you a selfish boy who only cares about his own pleasure? Or do you make sure that the girl has a good time, too?”

“What do you think?” I sarcastically replied. Then again, she had already mentioned that I was the only one who got off before. Because, circumstances. Also, Natalie was eighteen, meaning any exploration she had done thus far was probably hit or miss in terms of whether partners took care of her or not. That train of thought was enough for me to briefly picture myself between her legs, which I tried to shake off as quickly as possible. And, since Natalie had already gotten on my case about actually answering questions, I tacked on, “Of course I reciprocate.” I braced myself for how she was going to insist I ‘owed her’ or something.

Instead, she just smiled. “Good boy. That’s one point for you. But sisterly approval doesn’t come cheap. Let’s say you need . . . hmm, how about ten points? That sounds fair!”

“No, thanks,” I said, “You should go, Natalie.” A lot of what she was throwing at me was confusing and difficult to deal with, though I knew for sure I had no interest in entertaining this latest suggestion. I wasn’t about to let her start some arbitrary point system.

“But, I haven’t showered yet,” she pouted, “And you’ve barely answered any questions! How about one more? For me? Pretty please?” The girl definitely wasn’t following through on her end of the deal, as this was pretty bratty behavior.

With a sigh, I said, “Fine. One more.” To keep us from being suspended in this position, obviously. Not because of how cute or effective her expression was.

Her eyes sparkled just like before. Taking another half step forward, she said, “Hmm, only one question. If I could ask you anything in the world . . . ” Trailing off in false thought, as if she didn’t already know exactly what she was going to throw at me, she lowered her voice like we were sharing a secret. “Do you want to shower with me right now?”

Somehow, I hadn’t seen that one coming. I had been bracing myself for something that revolved around her and/or Jessica in general, rather than her bringing things back to our current setting. Very much on my back foot, especially as her words immediately sparked a couple visuals in my mind, I scrambled to think of something to say.

Happy to fill the silence, Natalie clarified, “And not should we shower together. I’m asking if you want to. Yes, or no?”

There was really no point in lying. I had literally fucked the girl, and admitted that she turned me on. What guy wouldn’t want to shower with an attractive girl who was offering? Deciding that it was more efficient to be honest, even though her question was once again more gray than she made it sound, I hesitantly muttered, “Yes. But, we’re-”

“I fucking knew it,” she giggled, “Although I don’t know if you should get a point for that. Even if I am the better sister.”

Still trying to be a good boyfriend despite how nothing would change what Natalie and I had already done, I tried to avoid the obvious temptation to actually follow through with what I just said I wanted. The invitation had already been implied, and I was sure she would be using my answer against me any second. “That was your last question,” I reminded her, “Now hurry up and shower so I can go to bed.” It was a little early to actually turn the lights off; I was just trying to put a clock on her.

“I can’t shower without hot water,” Natalie said. She lowered her hands from my shoulders and gripped her towel so I wouldn’t have to. “Why don’t you be a gentleman and find a good temperature for me? I’ll wait right here. Oh. But first, be a good boy and kiss me!”

Part 33


The Housekeeper, Chapter 22


SubscribeStar Story: The Babysitter, Part 27