The Housekeeper, Chapter 24

Read Chapter One

Chapter 24

After a full hour of being edged again and again by total strangers Lillian found at nearby tables, Hannah beckoned her friend back over.

Despite how many times I had been suspended in near-orgasms as the vibrating panties were kept at the highest setting, I hadn’t technically gotten off. Not that I wanted that to happen in public, though it was still frustrating to get so close so many times without ever finding release. Not finishing didn’t make much of a difference in terms of how I came across to Hannah and Willow. By the end, I was flushed, sweating, and practically panting from the mortifying moans that were drawn from my lips so frequently. My hard nipples were still painfully visible in the tight top, and the panties were absolutely soaked down there.

In my current state, it was difficult to deny that I was the virgin slut Hannah kept calling me.

She finally allowed me to take off the remote-controlled underwear that had caused me so much trouble, but only if I did so under the table. Without a skirt, such a task was impossible without temporarily being bottomless. In public. Maybe I could have gotten away with such a thing an hour ago. If I was quick, and no one was looking, perhaps it would go unnoticed. Between my recent moans and the fact that several of Lillian’s tables were still here, there was way too much attention on me.

And yet, I had to. Mockingly kind as Hannah’s offer sounded, I knew better. If I didn’t, she would no doubt punish me for not accepting her ‘generosity’ and/or have Lillian start things up again. The only way to avoid both of those things was to strip.

Trying my best to not think about the eyes on me, the potential cameras, the judgment of some, the amusement of others, and so on, I scooted forward on the seat and lifted my ass up enough to start working both my shorts and underwear down. The looseness of the boarding shorts were finally working in my favor, though it still wasn’t easy due to the position I was in. My blush deepened as I felt the outdoor air against my backside, and I did my best to be efficient while also covering myself to the best of my ability.

For a moment, I was truly bottomless. Honestly, I was surprised Hannah wasn’t announcing it to the world. Then again, being wealthy only got her so far; public indecency was still public indecency, and she could potentially get in trouble by extension if more than the surrounding tables caught on to my half nudity.

My haste and my panic did help to tune the world out around me as I slipped my feet out of both shorts and underwear, then reached down to pull the former back up. Once I reached my thighs, I had to lift my ass up again, essentially mooning anyone behind us who was looking my way.

Hannah just scoffed. “Fucking slut.”

From behind me, a female voice agreed. “Such a slut.” She then pinched my still exposed ass.

I squeaked and jumped slightly, redoubling my efforts to get the shorts on. It wasn’t until she circled around to stand by our table that I realized it was only Lillian returning. Definitely better than some stranger having the audacity to do that, but not by much.

“Oh, hey,” Willow said, “Make any new friends?”

“One or two college guys I might fuck later,” she grinned, “And one or two girls that are interested in our lesbian virgin here.”

Hannah rolled her eyes. “I don’t know why they’re interested when there are two much hotter girls at this table. But, whatever. If they’re into the pathetic thing, I’m sure Jessie here would be happy to send them nudes.”

My eyes widened at that. Quickly pulling the shorts the rest of the way up, I opened my mouth to shut down such an awful suggestion. It was bad enough being naked in front of Hannah and her friends, and humiliating myself along the way. I definitely didn’t want someone I didn’t even know having inappropriate pictures of me! Except I was just starting to breathe again now that I wasn’t being stimulated below, and was covered after briefly being bottomless. The last thing I wanted to do was make Hannah mad at me while we were still in public.

Thankfully, it seemed like our time in the crowded area was coming to an end. Hannah glanced down at her phone for a second, then said, “Back to my place? It’s getting hot; I could use some pool time.”

“Sure!” Willow exclaimed, “Sounds fun. It’s so much better with a personal maid, too.”

Hannah made me pick up the drenched panties as well as the empty plastic baskets on the table, and led the way towards the edge of the outdoor seating area. The moment I stood up, I started feeling light-headed. The delicious smells around us were bad enough when I had only had a few bites of food over the last two days, and my body had just gone through so much.

As we made our way back towards the car, I was feeling weaker with every step. “H-Hannah . . . ” I started to say. Stumbling slightly, it was all I could do to shift my weight towards the grass off to my side before I passed out entirely.


Blinking slightly, squinting against the sun overhead, I came back to consciousness with a faintly stinging sensation on my face. Before I had any time to process that, or more fully wake up, my eyes snapped open as I was roughly slapped between my legs. Instinctively covering myself down there while abruptly sitting up, I was rendered speechless by both shock as well as the fact that I just woke up.

Then the blonde above me slapped me across the same cheek that was already stinging. “Get UP, Virgin!” she demanded, “What the fuck are you doing down there?!”

That’s when it all sunk in. Right. We had just been- And I just- I fainted? Rather than being worried about me, or feeling bad for pushing me too far, Hannah had been hitting me to wake me up?! Not just my face, either. She had slapped my most private area as well.

A few minutes ago, I was scared to confront the girl about anything. Now, with my inhibitions slightly down from the state I was in, I couldn’t stop myself from exploding. “You can’t treat me like this!!!” I practically screamed, “It’s bullshit. It’s- It’s inhumane!! I need food, Hannah! And . . . you can’t lock me out of the bathroom!” Though I started out strong, the things I was yelling about started to sound awkward as I noticed Willow and Lillian off to the side. Losing a bit of steam as the memories of all the leverage Hannah had on me started to sink in, I settled into a more reasonable volume as I tried to compromise, “Look, I’ll be your maid, okay? I just- I need clothes, and to be treated like a fucking human being.” Last night came to mind, where I was so caffeinated that I couldn’t get an ounce of sleep. Being up for over 24 hours without sleep definitely was a factor in why I just fainted.

Hannah’s face was unreadable. She wasn’t smirking, nor did she look annoyed. After a long pause, she said, “We’ll talk back at the house.”

With that, she walked away.

Just like earlier, I was worried she was going to leave me behind if I didn’t make it to the car in time. Scrambling to my feet, I followed her and the girls back to where they had parked nearby. Hannah made me sit in the back seat again; no surprises there. I was caught off guard by the fact that Willow got in behind me and scooted over so she was sitting in the middle seat, right next to me.

I was too nervous to ask, though my confusion must have been obvious. Willow took a single look at me and said, “Hannah says it’s your reward.”

“That’s right, Virgin,” Hannah said, as she sat down in the driver’s seat, “Shouldn’t a horny lesbian like yourself be happy to sit next to a hot girl?”

There wasn’t really a safe answer to that. I just flushed and glanced away, hoping Willow wouldn’t think I was into her like that. She was objectively pretty, sure, but I wasn’t actually a lesbian.

Rather than heading straight back to Hannah’s place, the blonde stopped by the nearest Starbucks drive-thru. She ordered herself and Willow some kind of white chocolate cold brew, and a basic mocha for me. I would have preferred a cold drink as well, personally, though I didn’t want to complain. It wasn’t as if she consulted Willow, either, though she probably knew her friend’s tastes better than mine.

Handing both drinks back to us, Hannah said, “You wanted something to eat, Jessie. There’s chocolate and sugar in that. Finish it before we’re out of the city.”

Another large drink. The last hour had suppressed my need to use the bathroom due to my body’s other urges; this was a reminder that I still kind of had to go. Finishing the whole sugary coffee in my hand wasn’t going to help in that regard. Still, Hannah did say we could sort this out back at the house. Just a little bit longer . . .

If I had one of their drinks, I could start right away. With a hot mocha, however, I had to wait for it to cool down. Hannah wasn’t wrong–there were more calories in the drink she had ordered for me compared to the other times I had chugged coffee.

Doing my best to not feel awkward about the proximity of the girl next to me, I started sipping over the next few minutes as the whipped cream made the temperature more tolerable. Little by little, I was able to drink more, and was thoroughly motivated by the clock Hannah had put me on. After all, just because she said we could talk didn’t mean she was going to make life easy for me.

I wasn’t sure what Hannah meant by ‘out of the city,’ so I worked as quickly as I could. And, the moment I was done, Willow said, “You wanted her to strip, right?”

“That’s right,” Hannah said, “All the way.”

Wait, what? But, why? I glanced towards Willow, wondering if this was an impulsive idea or something the two of them had discussed at some point. Texted, maybe? I had no idea. “But-”

“No buts, Jessica,” Hannah said, “You want to wear clothes? Fine. There’s a uniform for you back at the house. But those are my clothes, and I’m done lending them to you. Take them off, right now.”

My courage from earlier had faded a considerable amount, now that I was back to the usual combination of being intimidated by Hannah and needing to pee. Why did I think that things were going to change? Or maybe this was her having fun with me one last time before we made it back to the house.

I really didn’t want to be naked again. And with Willow right there? “Hannah, please,” I said, trying at least once to be serious and remind her of what I had said earlier, “It’s not right to just make a girl do . . . that.”

“Says the girl who hung out with all of us naked, who scrubbed my kitchen with her boobs, and who spread her legs for the camera?” Hannah coldly replied, “Besides, you don’t have anything to hide. Willow and I have already seen you. Last chance, Virgin, or maybe we won’t talk about anything when we get back.”

The last few days had already gotten me accustomed to doing whatever Hannah said with less and less resistance. As if that wasn’t enough, the double threat of her leverage as well as taking away what I had just gotten the backbone to demand was enough to make me reluctantly grip the hem of the tight top.

“Go on, Jessie,” Willow said, “Come on, it’ll be fun.”

Not much of a good cop when her definition of fun was way different than mine. Also, she wasn’t the one on the receiving end.

Glancing left and right to make sure no one was driving along beside us, I began lifting the top. The roads were more rural at this point, yet not completely devoid of cars. Wincing as I reached the base of my boobs, in disbelief that I was about to expose myself again, I yanked the top up and over my head before I could lose my nerve. This wasn’t nearly as bad as being half naked at the beach, yet the confined quarters made it embarrassing for a completely different reason.

“Bottoms too, Virgin,” Hannah said. The rearview mirror was apparently enough to keep tabs on what I was doing.

Was I allowed to cover? The rules kept changing. For the moment, I was partially using the removed top for modesty, which I couldn’t do when my hands were busy removing the board shorts. And since I was trying to avoid other cars seeing my chest, I was slouching. However, that didn’t work when I needed to lift my backside off the seat to strip the shorts off.

The second my crotch was exposed, I partially crossed one thigh over the other and covered myself with the shirt for good measure. There was still the feeling of the leather of the seat underneath my bare ass, which was going to be a persistent reminder of my nudity. I just kept reminding myself it wasn’t as bad as when every table around us would have seen me bottomless for a minute or two.

“She’s naked,” Willow said, “What do you want to do with the clothes?”

“Pass them up here,” Hannah replied.

Willow just shrugged. “You heard her.” She picked up the shorts from where I had just stepped out of them, then grabbed the shirt. “Here you go!” Crumpling up both, Willow tossed them onto the passenger seat.

I let out another one of those embarrassing squeaks I’m pretty sure I never made before starting this job. Without the shirt to cover, I used one of my hands, instinctively crossing the other over my chest now that it was free. I knew Hannah was probably going to get on my case about it, but I couldn’t help myself. Between the occasional car we were passing, Willow sitting right there, and Hannah being able to see me in the mirror, I couldn’t bring myself to sit there in such an exposed way.

Hannah didn’t end up saying anything about it, nor did Willow. It wasn’t exactly the biggest show of mercy, though it was better than nothing. Almost there. As much as I hated the maid uniform, it was obviously better than being naked.

The two girls simply went back to listening to the radio and talking with each other as if I wasn’t even there, just like they had been doing while I was dressed. I didn’t mind being ignored, though I didn’t understand the point of making me strip only to go back to business as usual. Just to remind me that she was in control?

If only that were the case. Five or ten minutes later, I learned what they actually had in mind for me.

As we drove through the countryside that was getting slightly more familiar after two days in a row of driving from Hannah’s house that had an impressive amount of land around it that her family owned, she pulled over to the side of the road.

“Let me help you with this, Jessie,” Willow said. She unbuckled my seat belt with a smile.

Why were we stopping? My first assumption was that there was some other building out here or something that the girls used, although they had the main house to themselves with Hannah’s parents out of town. Then, what?

Rather than shifting back, Willow stayed in my personal space and leaned farther forward. She opened the car door and pushed it hard enough so it would swing all the way out. Before I could ask any questions or think through any other potential reasons we’d be stopping before reaching the house, Willow returned to her seat, lifted her feet up, and placed them on my hip.

“Ready?” she smirked, then gave a hard kick.

I was not ready. Since I hadn’t braced myself in the slightest for the sudden momentum, I suddenly found myself falling off the seat and tumbling out of the car. I winced as I crashed to the dirt road below, banging my knee on the way and landing right on my tailbone.

In the meantime, Willow scooted over to my seat and closed the car door as soon as she saw that I wasn’t in the way of her doing so.

“Later, slut!” Hannah called out her window.

“NO. Hannah!!” At this point, it didn’t take much to connect the dots. But it was also too late.

Hannah drove off as I stood up, kicking up the dust and dirtying me more than I already was from the fall. And, worse, abandoning me naked in the countryside, with her house at least a mile a way, if not more.

I stared after the car in sheer disbelief. They were coming back, right?!


SubscribeStar Story: The Teaching Assistant, Part 32


The Present, Part 23