The Present, Part 23

Read Part One

Part 23

Chris wasn’t sure how to respond to that.

Though he had begrudgingly shaved the rest of his body, his most private area felt like a reasonable exception. Amy was his cousin, and he had been correct about his assumption that she wouldn’t ask about something like that afterwards. Of course, that was back when it was just the two of them. With Julia included, and seconds away from discovering that he was not smooth where she was asking about, he was unexpectedly put on the spot.

“Umm, no . . . ” he said, just barely keeping up the feminine voice. It was always more difficult to remember to do so when he was caught off guard by something.

Julia looked both surprised and disappointed. “What? Why not?” she asked. Taking a step back and releasing the teasing grip she had on his panties, she placed a hand on her hip that was reminiscent of the way Amy had done so earlier. Not a particularly comfortable parallel for Chris.

“Because-” he hesitated. What was he supposed to say?! Anything along the lines of ‘I’m a guy’ or ‘Guys don’t do that’ didn’t work when Julia and the others expected him to commit to the sissy nonsense he was tangled up in. It was also difficult to think when he was still a bit aroused from a half dressed girl standing before him. “I don’t know,” he said, when unable to think of a better option after a couple seconds.

She took a breath. “Tell you what. Wait right here, okay? I’ll be right back.” Without waiting for a response, she turned and headed to Amy’s bathroom.

Chris just awkwardly stood there, still uncertain whether this was Julia being bisexual and intrigued about a guy looking like a convincing girl, or if this was somehow part of Amy’s design. It didn’t help that he was distracted by the sight of the mixed girl’s ass that was pretty much completely on display in her thong as she walked away, not to mention how his jean shorts were still unzipped.

Julia wasn’t gone for very long. She emerged from the bathroom after maybe thirty seconds, strutting right back up to him with a tube of something in her hand. Another one of Amy’s beauty products? Softly smiling again, she met his eyes, “You do use lotion when you finger yourself, right?”

He grimaced slightly at the implication regarding his genitalia, especially the way she said it so nonchalantly. The language switch didn’t totally work, as he was fairly sure that only males used lotion in such a way, yet it wasn’t as if any of this really made sense. “Uh, yeah,” he replied. Based on the way she was asking, Julia probably already knew the answer in regards to how the average guy jacked off.

“Then this should feel familiar,” Julia said. She popped the lid open and squeezed a bit of the white-ish cream onto her index and middle finger and, no longer teasing, slipped that hand into his underwear.

Chris suddenly cared a lot less about logic and paranoia. Honestly, it didn’t matter if Julia was playing games or not. Something like this was way more acceptable than the almost-kiss Sadie leaned in for; whether the scantily clad girl before him was actually interested or not, she was giving him a handjob either way.

Her hand glided down and softly gripped his quickly hardening member, “You’re so wet for me, aren’t you?” she purred, “We’ll have to get you a new pair of panties after this.”

That also wasn’t the way someone talked about a guy, but he wasn’t about to complain if that would both cause problems and potentially make Julia have second thoughts about all of this.

She removed her hand despite the fact that he was quietly going along with whatever she wanted to say. “I think you need a little more,” she said. Getting a bigger handful of what he assumed was some kind of scented lotion, Julia once again glided her hand down from his waist to his manhood. This time, she explored more fully, cupping his balls and getting a good feel before returning to his shaft. “Don’t worry, girl,” she smirked, “When I’m done with you, you’ll have the cutest little cunt.”

What was that supposed to mean? He was still finding it hard to focus as Julia give him a gentle rub, but the more crass word was enough to make him start to ask, “Umm, what-”

“Chrissy. Voice,” she reminded him, before going on, “And we’ve been over this. You are a sissy, right?”

He nodded. It was a lot more difficult to talk like a girl while he was turned on.

“You do know what a sissy is, don’t you?” she asked. After lightly gripping him for a moment, Julia began tracing what she’d probably call his mound if she committed with the feminine descriptors.

“Yes . . . ” he hesitantly replied, in the higher tone. Couldn’t they just not talk, and get to the fun part?

Apparently not. “The general concept is that a sissy is someone who has failed as a man. Or a boy, in your case,” she explained, meeting his eyes while running the tip of her index finger up the length of him, “So you should just be a girl instead. The sooner that you accept that you’re better off as a girl, the better. Which means that this-” she lightly flicked his tip, “Is your vagina.”

Chris flinched more from such a sensitive spot being stimulated in such a way, though he also wasn’t the most comfortable with that term to begin with. Partly because it was so rarely said outright like that around him, as well as the fact that Julia was referring specifically to him when saying it.

Before he could begin forming a response, she said, “Time for you to rinse off, girl. This stuff is totally safe to be used around the vagina, but it will start stinging in a minute or two if you don’t scrub yourself clean down there.”

Wait. What was she talking about? Chris was still under the impression that Julia was using some of Amy’s lotion or something. Considering how simple his own toiletries were, he had no idea what kind of alternative she would have used where his privates were involved. Just barely remembering to keep up the voice, he asked, “What . . . ?”

“I mean it,” she said, sounding more serious, “Get in the shower, right now. Hurry, Chrissy!”

“But-” But he had just showered, maybe an hour ago, “I already-”

Julia removed her hand again, using it to point to the other side of the bedroom. “Seriously. You don’t have to, like, actually shower. Just wash your vagina in the tub. The sooner you’re done, the sooner we can have some more fun together.”

Still confused and caught completely off guard by everything she was throwing at him, Chris briefly slipped into his natural voice, “Julia-”

Now, Chrissy! And you better sound like the girl you are when you get back. Go. Rinse off. Unless you’d rather hang out with Amy instead of having fun with me?”

That was the last push he needed. Fooling around with Julia was easily preferable to dealing with more of Amy’s nonsense. He also wasn’t prepared for the former girl’s insistence; it didn’t make sense, though she had said something about stinging. If this wasn’t regular lotion, he’d rather avoid whatever Julia was talking about. Between the two of them, only she was familiar with the collection of feminine toiletries in his cousin’s bathroom.

Reluctantly heading to the bathroom, deciding to just get this over with if it meant fucking the hot mixed girl when he returned to the bedroom, he closed the door and worked the tight jean shorts off before doing the same with the pink panties that had started this whole mess.

He realized that Julia was right in terms of the shower being the most efficient way to remove the cream/lotion/whatever. Using the sink would be a lot more involved with the area he was dealing with. Turning on the water and giving it a minute to warm up, he stepped into the tub and lifted the tank top so it wouldn’t get wet. Taking it off entirely crossed his mind, but he didn’t want to deal with a fresh visual of the embarrassingly realistic bra-clad boobs on his chest.

Stepping forward and letting the water run over his private area, he used his free hand to move the process along. As he wiped at the cream, it wasn’t very long before he noticed what was happening.

“What the fuck?” Chris muttered to himself.

He was almost completely hairless down there, and was becoming more smooth with every passing second.


The Housekeeper, Chapter 24


Camp Firefly Sisters, Chapter Four