The Present, Part 22

Read Part One

Part 22

As Chris stepped back outside, the girls on the porch didn’t react in the slightest at first. He had expected something. A fit of giggles, a teasing reminder of one of the many things he had said under duress, etc. It was almost worse when they acted like this was business as usual, save for the casual female references.

“Thank you, Chrissy,” Sadie smiled, “Such a good hostess.”

“She learned from the best,” Amy said. She took a sip of her lemonade, then asked, “No drink for Julia?”

Not yet. Chris had started with the other two because he didn’t want Amy to make a whole thing out of it if she wasn’t served right away, and because Sadie was Sadie. Before he could respond with an awkward apology or the completely reasonable excuse that he only had so many hands, Julia said, “That’s okay. I can get it myself. Actually, can Chrissy come with me?”

Smirking at the implication that her older cousin couldn’t even do something that simple without her permission, Amy said, “Only if she asks me politely, like a good girl.”

As in, asking to go back inside like he had planned on doing in the first place to get the last glass? Julia being involved didn’t really change anything, yet this wasn’t a hill Chris felt the need to fight on. There were far more pressing concerns at the moment, plus he had already been anticipating some form of embarrassment. Without much hesitation, he muttered, “May I please go with Julia?”

“I don’t see why not,” Amy shrugged, “Sadie and I have a little catch-up to do, anyway.”

“Mm hmm,” Julia nodded, “Lead the way, girl.”

Chris didn’t need to be told twice. The house wasn’t quite as much of a breather as it had been before, since Julia was following him inside. Still, dealing with just one of the girls was better than being outnumbered on the porch where anyone might walk by. Another thought that had crossed his mind a minute or two ago was that even if his aunt and sister didn’t recognize him from a distance due to the way he was dressed up, they would at least see that four girls were on the porch. Being indoors felt like less of a risk overall, plus he’d probably hear the garage door opening and have time to sprint upstairs and start undoing everything.

“There it is!” Julia exclaimed. She was right behind him as he entered the kitchen, and easily spotted the lone glass sitting on the counter. Downing half the drink in a matter of seconds, she let out a satisfied exhale while setting it back where Chris had left it before. “Much better. But, I’m still thirsty for something else. You do know I’m bisexual, don’t you?”

He didn’t. Why would he, when he only saw Amy’s friends once a year at most? And, of course, he had been a little more focused on Sadie last year thanks to the way she strung him along into a teasing trap. “Umm, no,” he said, wondering if Julia was about to do the exact same thing.

Sure enough, she stepped forward with a soft smile. “Well, I am. Since I like boys and girls, it would be interesting to play with a sissy like you. What do you say, girl? If I offered to fuck you, would you say ‘yes?’”

Objectively, sure. The mixed girl standing before him was hot and, though he hadn’t really thought about her like that until now, he would probably be up for fooling around with her under more normal circumstances. Like, if she wasn’t one of Amy’s close friends, or if he hadn’t already fallen for something similar in this very room. Also, there was the ‘why’ of it all. Even if Julia was doing this of her own accord, which seemed unlikely, it sounded like she was only into Chris because of the fact that he was a boy dressed up like a girl.

Clearing his throat, as he felt a little iffy about the girl voice when trying to respond to such a blunt question, he said, “Sorry, Julia. I’ll pass.”

“I’m not Sadie,” she pouted, “And, not to brag, but I’m fucking hot when I’m naked.” Julia bit her lip and met his eyes. She was only an inch or so shorter than him, which put their faces quite close as she inched closer and took his hand. “Hmm, how about this? Come upstairs with me. Let me strip for you. Then you can decide.”

Chris definitely wasn’t prepared for that, and would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little tempted. It wasn’t as if Sadie had risked anything by leaning in for a kiss that she wasn’t actually planning on giving. But this? Worst case scenario, he could walk away after seeing Julia bare herself to him. If she was serious. He was still suspicious in general.

While Amy had been behind most of this, Julia clearly enjoyed being part of it. She was also the girl who had brought over the breast forms, and had easily adapted to ‘Chrissy’ and the pronouns that came with it. The question was whether or not the consolation prize of seeing her naked was worth it. Or what she got out of it.

When Chris didn’t speak up right away, Julia began walking him out of the kitchen. “This way, Chrissy.” She took him to the stairs, using the route that avoided the front door where the two girls outside could potentially see them through the window.

There was no mystery as to where she was leading him. Throughout the trip upstairs, he tried to figure out what Julia’s angle was, and whether or not he should go along with it. Was she really going to strip? She was plenty confident, but he still couldn’t imagine a girl doing something like that just to mess with him.

They ended up in Amy’s room. The guest bedroom in which Chris was staying would have been preferable, as it felt weird doing anything like this in his cousin’s bedroom. However, it stood to reason that Julia would default to the one she was no doubt in frequently when she was over and the girls wanted a little privacy from the adults.

Whether it was a trap or not, apparently Julia wasn’t kidding about what she was offering. The moment they walked through the doorway, she let go of Chris’s hand and gripped the hem of her shirt. In one quick and fluid movement, she pulled it up and over her head. Her breasts were about the size of the ones on his own chest, though the cleavage in the maroon bra was very real.

“Well, don’t just stand there,” she smirked, “Close the door, girl.”

Chris didn’t need to be told twice. For all his reservations, it was tough to stay suspicious when Julia was actually taking her clothes off for him.

By the time he closed the door and turned back around, she was already pulling down her skirt. It didn’t take long before her matching thong came into view, as well as the entirety of her toned thighs as she finished stripping off the outer layer and kicking it away once gravity dropped it to her ankles. “What do you think?” Julia asked. She stood back up, looking almost more confident in her half dressed state than she was when fully clothed.

He wasn’t sure what to say. Though he wasn’t a virgin or anything, his limited experiences were in more dimly lit rooms, where he and a girl ended up stripping each other organically along the way. This was the first time someone had stripped for him, when nothing else had happened between them yet. “You-”

“Ah, ah. You’re a girl, Chrissy,” she insisted.

Right. Girl voice. He would never admit it, but his natural voice did sound a bit off after nearly an hour of speaking in the higher tone. In his defense, he had been a little preoccupied ogling the half naked girl before him. He also felt himself stirring ever so slightly below the waist, which was not conducive to maintaining the feminine thing. After a nervous swallow, he said, “You said naked, right?” It was actually getting easier to adjust, which felt weird.

Julia nodded. “Mm hmm. But first . . . ” She sauntered forward until she was standing right in front of Chris. Gripping the waistband of his jean shorts for a moment, meeting his eyes all the while, she undid the button and pulled down the zipper.

Though she was straying from the original deal, he wasn’t about to complain about a hot girl’s hands being down there.

Pursing her lips in a smile, Julia began fiddling with the waistband of the panties. “This is going to be so fun, Chrissy,” she said, before proceeding to ask, “You are smooth down there, right?”

Part 23


SubscribeStar Story: The Tutor, Part 33


Lady Lucia Update (August Edition!)